歌词 "Bible Belt" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Bible Belt



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

There are nights, so vacant and hushed, I can feel the texture of my tattered soul moving within me. 有个晚上,所以悬空而安静,我能感觉到我的衣衫褴褛的心在我里面移动的质感。

Black tar, dripping, sticky and thick. 黑色焦油,滴水,粘稠。

A soft, slow secretion of indifference slopping through the hollow suit I use as a body. 冷漠的软,慢分泌过中空西装我做为一个体用喷溅。


They say these are the words of a damaged mind. 他们说,这些都是损坏的头脑的话。


But not I. 但不是一

To me, this is insurgency. 对我来说,这是叛乱。


I used to dream of being inside the womb. 我曾经梦想成为的子宫内。

Fetal universe, black holes and emptiness. 胎儿的宇宙,黑洞和空虚。

Orbiting the massive planet of my mother's booming heart. 绕了我母亲的心脏蓬勃发展的巨大的星球。

Tiny yolk body, tethered like an astronaut, adrift in the tranquil spume of desolate bliss. 小小的蛋黄体,拴像宇航员,漂泊在荒凉的幸福宁静的spume 。

Tiny fingers inching from chubby stems, 纤巧的手指微动,从胖乎乎的茎,

reaching for that great thumping whoosh of blood and power that wobbled like a snarling god above me. 深远的血液和力量,伟大的重创嗖那摇摇晃晃像咆哮的神在我之上。

My fibrous head translucent as a bell jar, 我的纤维头半透明的钟罩,

would search with great staring eyes deep into the godless dark for a light, 将与大瞪着眼睛搜索深入到无神的黑暗中一盏灯,

for a sign, for anything other than indifference. 一个标志,用于什么比冷漠等。

But the universe would never oblige. 但是,宇宙将永远不会这么做。


Look upon me: a daughter of a child and a monster. 仰望我:一个孩子和一个怪物的女儿。


Frozen without cold feeling nothing unsure, uninspired, veins full of air, soul fading into the umbra 冷冻无冷的感觉没什么把握,表现平平,脉气十足,灵魂褪色进入本影


Who are they to say what is moral when they are broken? 他们是谁讲是道德的时候都坏了?

Who are they to say anything about us? 他们是谁给说一下我们什么?


All this, all this, 所有这一切,这一切,

and I want to sledgehammer 我想大锤

and leave nothing but dust 离开只是灰尘


to dust

to dust

to dust


Strangled by a Bible Belt 由圣经带勒死

Strangled by a Bible Belt 由圣经带勒死

Strangled by a Bible Belt 由圣经带勒死

Strangled by a Bible Belt 由圣经带勒死

Strangled by a Bible Belt 由圣经带勒死

Strangled by a Bible Belt 由圣经带勒死

歌词 Bible Belt 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/bible-belt/