歌词 "Better Off" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Better Off



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

I live down the street in a broken down house 我住在街上的分解房子

And a car up on blocks in the driveway 而汽车上的块在车道

The moment we meet, there was never a doubt 我们见面的那一刻,就根本不存在一个疑问

That we won't forget this Sunday 我们不会忘记这个星期天

It starts with a smile, and we walk a few miles 它以一个微笑,我们走了几英里

And it all leads to this - our first kiss 而这一切都导致了这一点 - 我们的第一个吻


All my friends are saying 我所有的朋友都这么说

Girl, what are you thinking? 女孩,你在想什么?

You're better off, 你最好,

you're better off without him 你最好没有他

Find yourself another 找到自己的另一

Girl, that boy is trouble 女孩,那个男孩很麻烦

You're better off, you're better off 你最好,你最好

They can talk forever, they just don't know better 他们的话滔滔不绝,他们只是不知道更好


We drive around town in a rusty old truck 我们在镇上开了生锈的旧卡车

Somehow it feels like we're flying 不知怎的,感觉就像我们在飞

Don't wanna come down 不想下来

But they make it so tough 但是他们做起来很艰难

'Cause everyone we know is trying “原因大家都知道我们正试图

To push us apart hide it down in our hearts 为了推动我们分开隐藏下来在我们心中

And they get what they want cause you're gone 而他们得到他们想要的东西,因为你已离去


All my friends are saying 我所有的朋友都这么说

Girl, why are you crying? 女孩,你为什么哭?

You're better off, you're better off without him 你最好,你没有他更好

Find yourself another 找到自己的另一

Girl, that boy is trouble 女孩,那个男孩很麻烦

You're better off, you're better off 你最好,你最好

They can talk forever, they just don't know better 他们的话滔滔不绝,他们只是不知道更好


You come to my door 你来我家门口

In the pouring rain 在瓢泼大雨中

We know what we don't have to say 我们知道我们没有说

You hand me a rose and a note that says 你递给我一朵玫瑰和一张纸条,上面写着

We don't have to do things their way 我们没有做的事情他们的方式


All my friends are saying 我所有的朋友都这么说

Girl, what are you thinking? 女孩,你在想什么?

You're better off, you're better off without him 你最好,你没有他更好

Find yourself another 找到自己的另一

Girl, that boy is trouble 女孩,那个男孩很麻烦

You're better off, you're better off 你最好,你最好

Well, they can talk forever, they just don't know better 那么,他们的话滔滔不绝,他们只是不知道更好

歌词 Better Off 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/better-off-4/

歌词 Better Off 所在专辑及曲目:
所在专辑:Other songs
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All Night Diner
Am I Ready For Love
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Baby, Don't You Break My Heart Slow
Beautiful Eyes
Being With My Baby
Bette Davis Eyes
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Brought Up That Way
By The Way
Can I Go With You
Closest To A Cowboy
Dark Blue Tennessee
Didn't They
Don't Hate Me For Loving You
Drops Of Jupiter
Eyes Open
Fall Back On You
I Heart ?
I Knew You Were Trouble (Remix)
I Know What I Want
I Wished On A Plane
I'd Lie
Just South Of Knowing Why
Long Time Coming
Lucky You
Made Up You
Monologue Song (La La La)
My Cure
Need You Now
One Thing
One Way Ticket
Our Last Night
Permanent Marker
Safe & Sound
Smokey Black Nights
Spinning Around
Stupid Boy
Sweet Tea And God's Graces
Sweeter Than Fiction
Ten Dollars And A Six Pack
The Diary Of Me
There's Your Trouble
This Is Really Happening
Thug Story
Today Was A Fairytale
Viva La Vida
Wait For Me
We Were Happy
What Do You Say
What To Wear
Who I've Always Been
Writing Songs About You
Your Anything
Your Face
Shake It Off (Remix)
Go Off
Keep Your Hands Off Her
Off Parole
Off The Chain
Do It Right
Get Out Of Denver
Set It Off
You're My Thrill
The Right To Love
Make A Prayer
Things You Say
Falling Into Ashes
Don't Get Sand In It
Going To The Top
Keep The Candle Burning
Through All That Nothing
Now The World
Just In Case It Happens, Yes Indeed
This Life
Silver Ships
Second To No One
Never Enough
Flex 36