歌词 "Believe In Yourself" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Believe In Yourself


歌词相关歌手:'N SYNC

English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Oh you can be what you wanna be 哦,你可以成为你想成为什么

See what you wanna see 看到你想看到

Believe in yourself, just believe in yourself 相信自己,只相信自己

You can go where you wanna go 你可以去你想去的地方

Do what you wanna do 做你想做的事

Believe in yourself, just believe in yourself 相信自己,只相信自己


Some folks try to tell you there are things you shouldn't do 有些人试图告诉你有些事情你不应该做的

But you're not strong enough, or smart enough at all 但你不够坚强,或不够聪明,在所有

But what seems right to them ,quite often might be wrong for you 但似乎是对他们,往往可能是错误的,你

So be sure you try to climb before you get to scare you'll fall 所以一定要尝试攀登之前,你要吓唬你会爱上


You can be what you wanna be 你可以成为你想成为什么

Learn what you wanna learn 了解什么是你想学

Believe in yourself, just believe in yourself 相信自己,只相信自己

You can try what you need to try 你可以试试你需要尝试

No one should question why 任何人都不应该质疑为什么

Believe in yourself, just belive in yourself 相信自己,只要相信的自己


Folks may say you're different 人们可能会说你是不同的

That you've gone and lost your senses 你已经走了,失去了你的感官

But the world is your to walk 但是,世界是你走

Go ahead and leave the fences 来吧,离开围栏

And you'll see( and you'll see) 你会看到(你会看到)

Belive in yourself 相信的自己

And the world belongs to you 与世界属于你

You and me 你和我

And the world belongs to you and me 与世界属于你和我

歌词 Believe In Yourself 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/believe-in-yourself/