歌词 "Begin To Start" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Begin To Start



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

They say to me "Don't be hangin' on. 他们对我说:“不要犹豫不决,对。

If you won't go on, Do I want to?" 如果你不下去了,难道我要? “

Pray to see and pray to know 祈祷,看祷告知道

Provide for me won't let it go. 为我不会让他走。

Life confuses me (life confuses me) can't find my way 生活中混淆了我(生活混淆了我)无法找到我的路

Out of here I think I'd rather stay. (Rather stay) 离开这里,我想我宁愿留下来。 (宁愿留)

I think I'd rather stay. 我想,我宁愿留下来。

When do I begin to start? 我什么时候开始启动?

Begin to let you into my heart? 开始让你进我的心脏?

Why so sad when I look at you 为什么当我看着你这么难过

'Cause I'm away. I know I feel it too. 因为我走。我知道,我觉得这一点。

Life confuses me (life confuses me) can't find my way 生活中混淆了我(生活混淆了我)无法找到我的路

Out of here I think I'd rather stay. (Rather stay) 离开这里,我想我宁愿留下来。 (宁愿留)

I think I'd rather stay. 我想,我宁愿留下来。

When do I begin to start? 我什么时候开始启动?

Begin to let you into my heart? 开始让你进我的心脏?

They say to me "Don't be hangin' on. 他们对我说:“不要犹豫不决,对。

If you won't go on, Do I want to?" 如果你不下去了,难道我要? “

life confuses me (life confuses me) I can't find my way 生活中混淆了我(生活混淆了我),我无法找到我的方式

Out of here I think I'd rather stay. (Rather stay) 离开这里,我想我宁愿留下来。 (宁愿留)

I think I'd rather stay. 我想,我宁愿留下来。

Life confuses me (life confuses me) I can't find my way 生活中混淆了我(生活混淆了我),我无法找到我的方式

Out of here I think I'd rather stay. (Rather stay) 离开这里,我想我宁愿留下来。 (宁愿留)

I think I'd rather stay. 我想,我宁愿留下来。

歌词 Begin To Start 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/begin-to-start/