歌词 "Before The Fall" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Before The Fall



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Someone had a dream 有人做了一个梦

Never been to London 从来没有到过伦敦

Never in a limousine 永远不要在一个豪华轿车


Something made him go 什么使他走

Could it be the voices 难道是声音

Coming from the radio 来从无线


But somewhere down the line 但是,在这条线

The happiness you'll find 你会发现幸福

Will crash into a wall 会撞上一堵墙

Just before the fall 就在堕落前


Someone joined the band 有人加入了乐队

But he never heard the music 但他从来没有听说过的音乐

Couldn't really understand 无法真正理解

No, no no 不,不,不


Don't know what they mean 不知道他们是什么意思

Where's my picture 哪里是我的照片

Shining from a magazine 从一本杂志闪耀


But somewhere down the line 但是,在这条线

He'll quickly glance behind 他很快就会落后一目了然

Then smash into a wall 然后粉碎成墙

Before the fall 秋天之前


Someone ran so fast 有人跑这么快

When he saw the future 当他看到未来

He was sure that it was just the past 他相信,这是刚刚过去的


Someone had a dream 有人做了一个梦

Only this one ended lost 仅此一结束失去的

Inside the old machine 里面的旧机器


And somewhere down the line 而在这条线

They'll say that his is mine 他们会说,他是我的

And all that's left is time 和所有剩下的就是时间

Time to fall and stumble, ah 时间都走不稳啊

歌词 Before The Fall 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/before-the-fall-3/

歌词 Before The Fall 的作者与版权信息:


Ronnie James Dio


Niji Music