歌词 "Beer Time" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Beer Time



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Bird dog just had her puppies that's a hundred dollars cash apiece 鹰犬只是把她的小狗,这是一个百元每人现金

This old boy struck it country rich 这个老男孩袭击它国富

At least for a couple of weeks 至少在两三周

I owe my daddy that 50 spot 我欠我的爸爸是50点

And the muffler shop the rest 和消音器铺其余

But daddy and bubba's gonna have to waiibe got an empty ice chest 但爸爸和巴巴的会还得waiibe有一个空的冰柜


Boys it's beer time 男孩是啤酒的时候

This ol' town's dry 这醇镇的干

Headed to the county line 前往该县行

For something cold 对于一些冷

I need a twelve pack in a brown paper sack 我需要12包在牛皮纸袋

Ice it down in the back 冰下来在后面

Find a deep mud hole 查找深泥洞

I got my baby and some rowdy friends of mine 我得到了我的孩子和我的一些朋友粗暴

It's beer time 这是啤酒的时间


I heard bocephus was coming to town and I still had a little cash 我听说bocephus前来拜访时,我仍然有一个小的现金

I bought me a couple of nose bleed tickets 我买了我一对夫妇的鼻子流血门票

Way up in the back 方式在背面

It chilled me to the bone when he sang got 它冷冻了我的骨头,当他唱了

A shotgun rifle and a four wheel drive 猎枪步枪和四轮驱动

Crowd went crazy and I told my baby 众人都疯狂了,我告诉我的孩子

It was worth every dime 这是值得每一分钱


Now it's beer time 现在是啤酒的时间

Hearin' Hank play live country boy can survive 倾听“汉克玩实况乡下孩子能活下来

I need something cold 我需要一些冷

When the show ends party with my rowdy friends 当表演结束党和我吵闹的朋友

Hell of a weekend 一个周末的地狱

I ain't ready to go 我是不是准备好了

Crack another top beneath the parking lot lights 裂下方的停车场灯另一顶

It's beer time 这是啤酒的时间


Boys it's beer time 男孩是啤酒的时候

This ol' town's dry 这醇镇的干

Headed to the county line 前往该县行

For something cold 对于一些冷

I need a twelve pack in a brown paper sack 我需要12包在牛皮纸袋

Ice it down in the back 冰下来在后面

Find a deep mud hole 查找深泥洞

I got my baby and some rowdy friends of mine 我得到了我的孩子和我的一些朋友粗暴

It's beer time 这是啤酒的时间


It's 5 o'clock Friday afternoon 这五点五下午

And it's beer time 而且这一次的啤酒

Yeah the fish are biting in a honey hole 是啊鱼咬的洞蜜

It's beer time 这是啤酒的时间

歌词 Beer Time 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/beer-time/

歌词 Beer Time 的作者与版权信息:


Justin Moore, Jeremy Stover, Rhett Akins


Big Music Machine, Songs Of Countrywood, Emi Blackwood Music Inc., Double Barrel Ace Music, Emi April Music Inc.