歌词 "Beautiful Night" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Beautiful Night



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

There's a breeze in the air 还有在空中的微风

There are stars in the sky 有天上的星星

And I'm sure that there's bound to be a reason 而且我敢肯定,我们不可避免要理由

Why we are here 为什么我们在这里

But for now we will wonder at the evening sky 但现在我们会想在傍晚的天空


So come on baby 所以,来吧宝贝

So come on baby 所以,来吧宝贝

Give it to your heart's desire 它给你的心脏的欲望

So come on baby 所以,来吧宝贝

So come on baby 所以,来吧宝贝

Dig a little deeper down now 挖得下来,现在更深


It's a beautiful night 这是一个美丽的夜晚

Way up beyond the stars we are 一路超越我们的明星

You can stay all night here 你可以在这里呆了一夜

It's a beautiful night 这是一个美丽的夜晚


There's a song that I'm sure I've heard you singing 还有,我敢肯定,我听到你唱的一首歌

That I try hard to hear 我努力听

It's a language of love, aha, in a way 这是爱的语言,啊哈,在某种程度上

That I don't know 我不知道

It ain't loud 这不是响亮

But it's coming over crystal clear 但它的到来了晶莹剔透


So come on baby 所以,来吧宝贝

So come on baby 所以,来吧宝贝

Give it to your heart's desire 它给你的心脏的欲望

So come on baby 所以,来吧宝贝

So come on baby 所以,来吧宝贝

Dig a little deeper down now 挖得下来,现在更深


It's a beautiful night 这是一个美丽的夜晚

Way up beyond the stars we are 一路超越我们的明星

You can stay all night here 你可以在这里呆了一夜

It's a beautiful night 这是一个美丽的夜晚

歌词 Beautiful Night 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/beautiful-night-5/

歌词 Beautiful Night 的作者与版权信息:


Emmanuel Tunde Baiyewu, Paul John Tucker


Polygram Music Publishing Ltd. Gb, Universal Music Publishing Ltd.