歌词 "Back To You" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Back To You



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Back to you 回到你身边

It always comes around 它总是恶有恶报

Back to you 回到你身边

I tried to forget you 我试着忘记你

I tried to stay away 我试图远离

But it's too late 但为时已晚


Over you 在你

I'm never over 我从来没有过

Over you 在你

Something about you 讲讲你

It's just the way you move 这只是你移动的方式

The way you move me 你动我的方式


I'm so good at forgetting 我在遗忘那么好

And I quit ever game I play 我永远退出游戏我玩

But forgive me, love 但是原谅我,爱

I can't turn and walk away 我不能转身走开


Back to you 回到你身边

It always comes around 它总是恶有恶报

Back to you 回到你身边

I walk with your shadow 我走了你的影子

I'm sleeping in my bed 我睡在我的床上

With your silhouette 随着你的身影


should have smiled in that picture 应该微笑的那张照片

If it's the last that I'll see of you 如果这是最后一次,我会看到你

It's the least that you 这是最少的,你

Could not do 不能这样做


Leave the light on 离开灯亮

I'll never give up on you 我永远不会放弃你

Leave the light on 离开灯亮

For me too 对我来说太


Back to me 回到我的身边

I know that it comes 我知道,它涉及

Back to me 回到我的身边

Doesn't it scare you 没有它吓唬你

Your will is not as strong 你的意愿不强

As it used to be 因为它使用的是

歌词 Back To You 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/back-to-you-5/

歌词 Back To You 的作者与版权信息:


John Mayer, John Clayton Mayer, Monica Birkenes


Sony/ATV Tunes LLC, Specific Harm Music, Goodium Music, Reach Music Publishing-digital O.B.O. Goodium Music, Little Schaffer Songs