歌词 "Babylon's Burning" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Babylon's Burning



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Listen close to hooves you hear 仔细听来四蹄你听到

Are thunders coming dread 雷雨交加未来的恐惧

John the Revelator's dream 约翰启示者的梦想

Had seen a terror vision 看到了一个恐怖的愿景

Of the spirit led 导致精神

With wrath to reign 与愤怒统治

And with slaves to flame 与奴隶火焰

They kneeled and sealed a kiss 他们跪和密封的吻

Plagues and pain and fiery rain 瘟疫,痛苦和火焰之雨

And blaspheme on his lips 和亵渎他的嘴唇


Babylon's a-burning, Babylon's a-burning 巴比伦的一款燃烧,巴比伦的一款燃烧

Six hundred 6, 6 and 7 seals 六百6,6及7海豹

A pale rider and his horses sing 石膏色骑手和他的马星

Babylon's a-burning, Babylon's a-burning 巴比伦的一款燃烧,巴比伦的一款燃烧

Six hundred 6, 6 the rising beast 六百6,6的上升兽

Bears the mark of Babylon to be 熊巴比伦的标志是


Arising with the beast a sea of men 与野兽出现的男人的海洋

A bloody moon of red 红色的月亮血腥

A whore of Babylon to bleed the seed 巴比伦的妓女流血种子

And make 'em take the mark upon their heads 并制作它们需要在他们头上的标志


They bowed and kneeled a mark to seal 他们鞠躬,下跪的标志密封

Their souls unto a kiss 他们对接吻的灵魂

With fire and flames and with 用火和火焰,并与

Souls to claim 灵魂要求

And rise from the abyss 从深渊上升


[Revelation 13] [启示录13 ]

And I stood upon the sand of the sea 而我站在海边的沙

And saw a beast rise out of the sea 看见一个兽从海中

Having ten horns and seven heads 有十角七头

Ten crowns upon his head 十个冠冕在他头上

Who is like unto the beast? 谁是这兽?

Given his mouth great things to speak 考虑到他的嘴里大事讲

If any man has an ear 如果任何人有耳

Let him hear, let him hear 让他听,让他听

歌词 Babylon's Burning 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/babylon_s-burning-1/