歌词 "Avenue" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译




English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

What is wrong at the end of the day 什么是错在一天结束时

What is really wrong no one dares to say 什么是真的错了没有人敢说

You know you're wrong when there's only one right 你知道你错了的时候,只有一个正确的

but what is wrong when right is out of sight 但什么是错误的,当正确的是淡出人们的视线

Right rode away long ago 右扬长而去不久前

Before rescuing wrong from below 之前从下面救错了

I might be mistaken, I know 我可能是错的,我知道

but hey we need to be somewhat 但是,嘿,我们需要有些

Foolish, feebleminded, 愚蠢,低能,

wrong and senseless 错误的和毫无意义的

Right rode off long ago, 右骑着马走了不久之前,

there's nothing more you need to know, 没有什么更多你需要知道,

there's nothing more you need to show, 没有什么更多你需要证明,

Let us disagree 我们不同意

cause wrong was made, for you to be 错误的原因做了,你是

What is false when we can't hear no more 什么是假的时候,我们不能没有听到更多

And there is nothing to cover for 并没有什么掩盖的

What is wrong in this old wasted game 什么是错的这个老游戏浪费

May right and wrong be one and the same 可对与错是同一个

Right rode away long ago 右扬长而去不久前

Before rescuing wrong from below 之前从下面救错了

I might be mistaken, I know 我可能是错的,我知道

but hey we need to be somewhat 但是,嘿,我们需要有些

Foolish, feebleminded, 愚蠢,低能,

wrong and senseless 错误的和毫无意义的

Right rode off long ago, 右骑着马走了不久之前,

there's nothing more you need to know, 没有什么更多你需要知道,

there's nothing more you need to show, 没有什么更多你需要证明,

Let us disagree 我们不同意

cause wrong was made, for you to be 错误的原因做了,你是

歌词 Avenue 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/avenue/

歌词 Avenue 的作者与版权信息:


Agnes Obel


Kohaw Music Inc. O.B.O. Wintrup Musikverlag