歌词 "Auntie Alice" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Auntie Alice



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Auntie Alice, where are you now? We rung your number and they called it "disconnected." In a dream you come sailing out of a pool of deep blue water. Auntie Alice keeps spiders in her house, feeds them earwigs and mosquitoes. Her pink tongue comes darting out from where her front teeth are missing. I went downstairs in the middle of the night, because I heard her scratching at the door. She fed me chocolates and said she couldn't sleep. She asked me what the bug light was for. Auntie Alice wears the same dress every day. Butter turns green on her counter. She sings me songs she learned on Christmas eve. She tells me stories about castles. "The number you have dialed is not in service" it said, "hang up or dial again." Auntie Alice have you found your palace yet? Auntie Alice, look out for us who think we know where we are going. Your picture gathers dust on the fridge and watches us keep our appointments. Auntie Alice howling through the woods, Auntie Alice in my dream, somehow gone from the phone book for good. Life forms around you when you leave. 爱丽丝阿姨,你现在在哪里?我们敲响你的电话号码,他们把它称为“断开连接”。在梦中你来航行在深蓝色的水一池。阿姨爱丽丝保持蜘蛛在她的房子,养活它们蠼螋和蚊子。她的粉红色的舌头来自哪里她的前牙缺失迸溅出来。我下楼在半夜,因为我听到她抓门。她给我的巧克力,说她无法入睡。她问我是什么错误光是为。每天都有阿姨爱丽丝穿着同样的衣服。黄油变成绿色在她的柜台。她唱我的歌曲,她学会了在圣诞节前夕。她告诉我关于城堡的故事。 “您拨的号码不在服务区”它说, “挂断或重拨。 ”爱丽丝阿姨你发现你的宫殿吗?阿姨翘,看出来我们谁认为我们知道我们要去哪里。您的图片收集在冰箱灰尘和注视着我们保持我们的约会。阿姨爱丽丝在树林嚎叫,阿姨翘在我的梦里,不知怎么就从电话簿为好。你周围的生命形式,当你离开。

歌词 Auntie Alice 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/auntie-alice/