Auld Lang Syne (Millenium Mix)
歌词相关歌手:KENNY G
"The first words I spoke in the original phonograph, Mary had a little lamb. It s fleece was white as snow. And everywhere that Mary went, the lamb was sure to go. " - THOMAS EDISON “我曾在原留声机的第一句话,玛丽有只小羊羔它s羊毛洁白如雪而无处不在玛丽去了,羊肉是一定要去。 ” - 托马斯·爱迪生
(reciting a familiar nursery rhyme. He invented the phonograph, the light bulb, the motion picture projector, the stock market ticker, the alkaline storage battery and hundreds of other things.) (背诵熟悉的儿歌,他发明了留声机,灯泡,电影放映机,股市股票,碱性蓄电池和其他各式各样的东西。 )
"The Distinguished Flying Cross upon Colonel Charles A. Lindberg" “飞行优异十字勋章后,上校查尔斯·林德伯格”
(He made the first solo flight across the Atlantic Ocean on May 20, 1927. He took off from Roosevelt Field on Long Island, New York and landed near Paris, France. The flight took thirty three and a half hours. Of course, he had to be awake the entire time, and alert enough to pilot a plane.) (他做了横跨大西洋的第一次单飞5月20日, 1927年他从罗斯福场起飞,在长岛,纽约和附近登陆法国巴黎,飞行了33个半小时,当然,他必须保持清醒的全部时间,并提醒足以驾机。 )
"Today, paniced investors ordered their brokers to sell at whatever the price in the stock market crashed." “今天, paniced投资者责令其经纪人在任何在股市的价格应声卖。 ”
(In October, 1929, an over-valued stock market, with many owning shares purchased "on margin" or with borrowed money, crashed. Numerous men committed suicide rather than face bankruptcy. In response, the U.S. Government imposed stringent rules on the buying and selling of stocks. These make it less likely that a similar catastrophic devaluation could occur now. The insurance companies began to exclude suicide as an acceptable cause of death for life insurance policies and/or wrote in a two year waiting period before benefits could be paid.) (十月, 1929年,估值过高的股市,许多拥有股份购买“保证金”或用借来的钱,坠毁。自杀,而不是面临破产无数的人。作为回应,美国政府强加在购买严格的规则买卖股票的,这使得它不太可能,现在可能会发生类似的灾难性贬值的保险公司开始排除自杀死亡的寿险保单及/可接受的原因还是写了两年的等候期之前的好处可能是支付。 )
"The only thing we have to fear is fear itself." - PRESIDENT FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT “我们不得不害怕的就是害怕本身。 ” - 富兰克林·罗斯福总统
(From his first Inaugural Address, 3/4/33. In the depths of the Great Depression, the pessimism of the population and especially the business community kept things bad. Decisions based on a gloomy outlook caused things to get even worse. In that respect, the mood and expectation of bad times became a self-fulfilling prophecy.) (从他的就职演说, 33年3月4日,在大萧条时期,人口,尤其是商界的悲观深处把每一件事情不好。基于前景黯淡的决定造成事情变得更糟。在那尊重,心情和坏的时候期望成为一个自我实现的预言。 )
"Horrific place, ladies and gentlemen, the smoke and the flames now, ooh, the humanity" “恐怖的地方,女士们,先生们,浓烟和火苗了,哦,人类”
(Live radio account of the fire and crash of the German airship "Hindenburg." It happened 5/6/37 on the eve of the Second World War in Lakehurst, New Jersey. The Hindenburg was the largest airship ever built. It was filled with an enormous quantity of hydrogen. Hydrogen had two big advantages over helium. It had greater lifting potential and was much cheaper. Unfortunately, it is one of the most flammable substances in the world. Helium could be used to put fires out. Since that disaster all airships have been filled with hydrogen. This luxurious craft had just come from Europe, making the trip across the Atlantic Ocean much faster than any ship. It was the pride of Nazi Germany. It s loss was a blow to the morale of the German engineers. The German public never heard much about it. The exact cause of the fire and crash has never been determined.) 德国飞艇的火灾和崩溃(电台直播账户“兴登堡。 ”事情发生37年5月6日在第二次世界大战中莱克赫斯特,新泽西州的前夜。兴登堡是有史以来建造的最大的飞艇,它充满用的氢。巨大量的氢过两个大的优势超过氦,它具有更大的起重潜力,并且还便宜。遗憾的是,它是世界上最易燃的物质之一。氦可以用来把火灾出去。由于该灾难所有的飞艇已充满氢气,这家豪华的船刚刚从欧洲,使得横跨大西洋的旅程比任何船舶要快得多,这是纳粹德国的骄傲,它的损失是一个打击的士气德国工程师。德国公众从未听说过很多关于它。火灾和事故的确切原因还没有被确定。 )
"Now, with the help and support of the woman I love." - KING EDWARD VIII (of England) “现在,随着女人的帮助和支持,我爱你。 ” - 英王爱德华八世(英格兰)
(Speech on 12/11/36, after he had announced that he was abdicating the throne of England to marry Bessie Wallis Warfield Simpson Spencer, an American socialite) (讲话36年12月11日,此前他曾宣布,他退位英格兰王位嫁给贝西沃利斯辛普森沃菲尔德斯宾塞,美国的社交名媛)
"Urging the people to evacuate the city as Martians approach." “敦促人们撤离城市作为火星人的方式。 ”
(This is from the "War of the Worlds" radio broadcast. This episode of the "Mercury Theater on the Air" was aired on Halloween eve, 10/30/38. The story was written by Orson Wells. Only at the beginning of the radio show was it mentioned that this was fiction. People tuning in later had no idea it was not real. They thought that the Earth was being invaded by aliens from Mars, causing a multitude of suicides.) (这是电台广播的“世界大战” , “水星剧院的空气”这一集播出的万圣节前夕, 38年10月30日,这个故事被写了奥森·韦尔斯,仅在年初广播节目是它提到,这是虚构的。人们在调整之后不知道这是不是真实的,他们认为地球是被入侵了来自火星的外星人,引起了众多自杀。 )
"Never to go to war with one another again" “永远不要开战彼此再次”
". . .Juden. . ." “ 。 .Juden 。 ”
ADOLPH HITLER (speaking in German, referring to the Jews) 希特勒(讲德语,指犹太人)
"This country is at war with Germany." “这个国家是在与德国的战争。 ”
PRESIDENT WOODROW WILSON (address to Congress 4/2/17, bringing the United States into World War I) 伍德罗·威尔逊总统(地址为国会17年4月2日,使美国进入第一次世界大战)
"December 7, 1941, (the Japanese have attacked Pearl Harbor) a date which will live in infamy." “ 1941年12月7日, (日本人偷袭珍珠港),将生活在耻辱的日期。 ”
"This is Bob Command performance Hope telling each Nazi that s in Russia today that, "Crimea doesn t pay. "- BOB HOPE “这是鲍勃指挥演出希望告诉每一个纳粹的今天,在俄罗斯的S”克里米亚没有按吨付费。 “ - 鲍勃·霍普
(a popular comedian who often went overseas to entertain troops stationed abroad) (一种流行的喜剧演员谁经常去外地招待驻军在国外)
"I consider myself the luckiest man on the face of the earth." - LOU GEHRIG “我认为自己是最幸运的人在地球上。 ” - 卢伽雷
(speaking at Yankee Stadium as he retired from baseball in 1939. He had developed a disease called amyotrophic lateral sclerosis which causes spinal paralysis. It is commonly referred to as the "Lou Gehrig s disease.") (说在洋基球场,他从棒球退休在1939年他曾开发出一种疾病叫做肌萎缩侧索硬化症,导致脊椎瘫痪,这就是通常所说的“卢伽雷氏病”。 )
"President Franklin D. Roosevelt stricken late today." “富兰克林·罗斯福总统受灾迟到今天。 ”
(On 4/12/45 he died of a cerebral hemorrhage (stroke). (在45年4月12日,他死于脑溢血(中风)。
"Who s on first." "Yeah" "The fellow s name" "Who" - BUD ABBOTT & LOU COSTELLO “谁S上的第一。 ” “是啊”,“那个家伙的名字”,“谁” - 芽Abbott &娄科斯特洛
(a famous comedy skit) (一个著名的喜剧小品)
"The world will note that the first atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima." “这个世界会注意到,第一颗原子弹被投在广岛。 ”
Abbott: "Who Is on first." Costello: "What are you asking me for?" - ABBOTT & COSTELLO 雅培: “谁是第一个。 ”科斯特洛: “你问我了? ” - 雅培和科斯特洛
"Reports from the new Germany tell of horrors leading to the total extermination of the Jews of Europe." “来自德国的新报告说恐怖通往欧洲的犹太人总数灭绝。 ”
"An iron curtain has descended across the continent of Europe." - SIR WINSTON CHURCHILL “铁幕已经在欧洲大陆的后裔。 ” - 温斯顿·丘吉尔
(British Prime Minister, 3/5/46 describing the beginning of the "Cold War" in which Russia (USSR) dominated Eastern Europe, and isolated it from the West. (英国首相, 46年3月5日介绍了“冷战”中,俄罗斯(前苏联)为主的东欧和西方孤立它的开始。
"Jackie Robinson goes to bat for the first time in a Major League." “杰基·罗宾森去蝙蝠第一次在大联盟。 ”
(In 1947 he was the first Negro player in Major League Baseball.) ( 1947年,他是第一位黑人球员在美国职棒大联盟)。
"Old soldiers never die. They just fade away." - GENERAL DOUGLAS MACARTHUR “老兵永远不死,他们只是渐渐消失。 ” - 道格拉斯·麦克阿瑟将军
(Address to a joint session of Congress, 4/19/51) (地址向国会联席会议上, 51年4月19日)
"Lucy" "Ahhhhhhh!" - LUCILLE BALL AND DESI ARNEZ “露西”,“ Ahhhhhhh ! ” - 露西尔·鲍尔和Desi ARNEZ
(one of the first very popular comedies on television) (在电视上的第一个非常受欢迎的喜剧之一)
"It was a little cocker spaniel dog, and our little girl, Tricia, the six year old, named it Checkers " - RICHARD NIXON “这是一个小的可卡犬的狗,而我们的小女孩,特里西娅的六岁,把它命名为棋” - 理查德·尼克松
(On 9/23/52, as Vice President of the United States, he gave a speech on radio and television. He had been accused of improperly taking gifts. One of the gifts was a small dog.) (在52年9月23日,作为美国的副总统,他给了电台和电视台发表讲话,他被指控犯有不当服用礼物。一个礼物,它是一个小的狗。 )
"Are you a member of the Communist Party?" - SENATOR JOSEPH MCCARTHY “你是共产党的成员吗? ” - 参议员约瑟夫·麦卡锡
(In 1950-51 he held hearings in Congress in which he accused first and investigated later. Many lives were ruined, especially in the entertainment industry. His counsel was a then-little-known member of the House of Representatives named Richard Nixon.) (在1950-1951年,他曾在国会听证会中,他指责首尔后调查,许多生命被糟蹋了,尤其是在娱乐圈,他的律师是众议院的当时名不见经传的成员名叫理查德·尼克松。 )
"Oh, a cop, eh. Woo, woo, woo." - THE THREE STOOGES “哦,是警察,嗯,呜,呜,呜。 ” - 三个臭皮匠
"Or have you ever been a member of the Communist Party?" - SENATOR JOSEPH MCCARTHY “或者,你有没有被共产党的一员? ” - 参议员约瑟夫·麦卡锡
"A blast from the past! A blast from the past! A blast from the past!" "Baby, you re the greatest." - JACKIE GLEASON “一个从过去的爆炸!一个过眼云烟!一个过眼云烟! ” “宝贝,你再是最大的。 ” - 杰基格利森
(from "The Honeymooners," another popular comedy from the earliest days of television) (摘自“蜜月旅行”,另一种流行的喜剧,从电视的初期)
"From Sun Recording artist, Elvis Presley" - STEVE ALLEN “从太阳的录音艺术家,猫王”史蒂夫 - 艾伦
(introducing Elvis on his variety show) (他的综艺节目介绍猫王)
"I d like to thank all, all the wonderful folks, and I d like to thank you, too." - ELVIS PRESLEY “我倒要感谢所有,所有美妙的人,我倒要谢谢你了。” - 猫王
"Three young singers were killed today in the crash of a light plane." “三个年轻歌手在轻型飞机坠毁今天被打死。 ”
(This referred to the deaths of early stars of rock and roll, Buddy Holly, Richie Valens, J.D. Richardson (The Big Bopper). Don McClain wrote the song "American Pie" about this tragedy.) (这被称为摇滚乐早期恒星的死亡,巴迪·霍利,任贤齐瓦伦斯,法学博士理查森(大Bopper ) 。唐·麦克莱恩写了歌曲“美国派”这个悲剧。 )
"American bandstand. And now, here he is, the star of our show, Dick Clark." “美国音乐台,而现在,他来了,对我们的节目,迪克·克拉克的明星。 ”
"Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country." - JOHN F. KENNEDY “不要问你的国家能为你做什么,问你能为国家做些什么。 ” - 约翰肯尼迪
(Inaugural address, January 20, 1961) (就职演说, 1961年1月20日)
"They re standing up, waiting to see if Maris is going to hit number 61" “他们重新站起来,等着看马里斯是要打到61号”
(Announcer at ballpark as Roger Maris stepped up to the plate for his turn at bat) (播音员在球场的罗杰·马里斯加紧盘轮到他击球)
"Godspeed, John Glenn." - MISSION CONTROL “一帆风顺,约翰·格伦”。 - 任务控制
(on 2/20/62 as he became the first American to orbit the earth. It was spoken again in 1998 when he returned, having been a U.S. Senator) (于62年2月20日,他成为美国第一个进入地球轨道的,它再次发言,1998年,当他回来,已经是美国参议员)
"Happy birthday, Mr. President." - MARILYN MONROE “生日快乐,总统先生。 ” - 梦露
(Apparently intoxicated, singing "Happy Birthday" at the party at Madison Square Garden.) (显然陶醉,唱“生日快乐”在党在麦迪逊广场花园。 )
"Wondering how and why Marilyn Monroe died." “想知道如何以及为什么玛丽莲·梦露死了。 ”
(on 8/5/62, from an overdose of sleeping pills) (于62年8月5日,来自安眠药过量)
"Something has happened in the motorcade. President Kennedy died at 1:00 p.m. Central Standard Time" - WALTER CRONKITE “事情发生在车队肯尼迪总统在下午1:00中部标准时间死了。 ” - 沃尔特·克朗凯特
(confirming the assassination in Dallas, Texas on 11/22/63) (确认在63年11月22日被暗杀在得克萨斯州达拉斯)
"Lee Harvey Oswald was shot." “李·哈维·奥斯瓦尔德被枪杀。 ”
(His death at the hands of Jack Ruby prevented any clear resolution of this crime. Numerous conspiracy theories have evolved because of this lack of information. When you see notorious criminals going to and from jail, with armed guards, wearing body armor themselves, this is where it started. As much as many would like to see these animals die, protecting them until the judicial process is completed is common practice.) (他的死在杰克的Ruby的手阻止这一罪行的任何明确的解决方案。许多阴谋论已经发展由于缺乏这方面的信息,当你看到臭名昭著的罪犯去和从监狱,有武装警卫,身穿防弹衣本身这一点,就是在那里开始。尽可能多尽可能多的希望看到这些动物死亡,保护他们,直到司法程序完成后是常见的做法。 )
"I have a dream (Really?) that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character." - MARTIN LUTHER KING “我有一个梦想(真的吗? ) ,我的四个小孩将有一天生活在一个国度,在那里,他们将不会以皮肤的颜色来判断,而是以品格的内容。 ” - 马丁路德金
(At the Civil Rights March of March 20, 1967 in Washington D.C.) (在民权月1967年3月20日在华盛顿特区)
"And I say segregation now" - GEORGE WALLACE “我现在说的隔离” - 乔治·华莱士
(Governor of Alabama 1963-1967) ( 1963-1967年阿拉巴马州的州长)
"What we have foremost in common is their enemy." - MALCOLM X “我们有什么最重要的共同点是他们的敌人。 ” - 马尔科姆X
(In the early 1960 s a "Black militant" who believed in complete separation of the races) (在1960年年初SA“黑好战”谁在比赛中完全分离信)
"segregation tomorrow" - GEORGE WALLACE “隔离的明天” - 乔治·华莱士
"the white man" - MALCOLM X “白人” - 马尔科姆X
And segregation forever" - GEORGE WALLACE 和种族隔离永远“ - 乔治·华莱士
He s an enemy to all of us." - MALCOLM X 他你的敌人对我们所有人。“ - 马尔科姆X
"I have a dream" - MARTIN LUTHER KING “我有一个梦想” - 马丁·路德·金
"I am about to sign into law the Civil Rights Act of 1964." - PRESIDENT LYNDON JOHNSON “我即将签署成为法律的1964年民权法案” - 林登·约翰逊总统
(He became President following the assassination of President John Kennedy. Civil rights was a major goal for Kennedy, but he would not likely have had the same success that Johnson did. Johnson was able to pass this legislation becuase he was from the South (Texas). He had been Majority Leader of the U.S. Senate and knew how to get things through Congress. In addition, he apparently would do whatever was necessary to get what he wanted.) (他担任总统以下的美国总统约翰·肯尼迪遇刺。公民权利是肯尼迪的主要目标,但他也不太可能有同样的成功,约翰逊做了。约翰逊能够通过这一法案因为他在从南方(德州) ,他曾是美国参议院多数党领袖,知道如何通过国会得到的东西。此外,他显然会尽一切必要得到他想要的东西。 )
"The Beatles!" "And today I ordered to Vietnam the Air Mobile Division. Additional forces will be needed later and they will be sent." - PRESIDENT LYNDON JOHNSON “披头士”! “今天我订到越南航空移动事业部的其他部队将在以后需要的,他们将被送到。 ” - 林登·约翰逊总统
"I have very sad news for all of you. Martin Luther King was shot and was killed tonight in Memphis Tennessee." “我对你们所有人。马丁·路德·金被枪杀,并在田纳西州孟菲斯今晚杀了非常悲伤的消息。 ”
March 20, 1967 1967年3月20日
"Senator Kennedy has been shot. Is that possible?" “参议员肯尼迪被枪杀,这可能吗? ”
(June 10, 1967, just after he had won the California Primary Election, and was then moving strongly toward the Democratic nomination.) ( 1967年6月10日,他获得了仅次于加州初选,然后坚决走向民主提名。 )
"As he said many times in many parts of this nation, Some men see things as they are and say, Why? I dream things that never were and say, Why not? " - SENATOR TED KENNEDY “当他说了很多次,在这个国家的许多地方,有些人看到的东西,因为他们说,为什么我梦想的事情,从来没有人说,为什么不? ” - 参议员特德·肯尼迪
(younger brother of Robert, at his funeral. He was paraphrasing George Bernard Shaw. In "Back to Methuselah" he wrote You see things; and you say "Why?" But I dream things that never were; and I say, "Why not?" ) 。 (弟弟罗伯特,在他的葬礼,他被意译萧伯纳在“回到玛土撒拉”他写道你看到的东西,而你说:“为什么? ”可是我梦想的事情,从来没有人,我说, “为什么不呢?“ )
"That s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind." - ASTRONAUT NEIL ARMSTRONG “那S对于人的一小步,一大步,为人类。 ” - 宇航员阿姆斯特朗
(as he became the first man to set foot on the moon. This was a goal that President Kennedy had declared. The saying was mis-stated, however. It should have been "That s one small step for me, one giant leap for mankind") (因为他成为了第一位在月球上踏上这是肯尼迪总统宣布的目标。但是被错误陈述的说法,它应该是“这对我来说是一小步,一大步人类“ )
"It s a free concert from now on." “这是个免费的音乐会,从现在开始。 ”
(Comment from one of the promoters. It had become clear that the total chaos prevented any ticket selling or collecting at the Woodstock Music and Art Fair. This was held 8/15-8/17/69 in rural New York State.) (注释从发起人之一,它已成为明显,乱了套防止任何售票或收取的伍德斯托克音乐和艺术博览会,这是在农村纽约州举行的8 / 15-8 / 17/ 69 )
"We must be in Heaven, man" - Cheech and Chong “我们一定要在天堂,人” - Cheech和冲
"Four persons including two women were shot and killed in Ohio today. Hundreds of students were involved as National Guard" “四人,包括两名妇女被开枪打死在俄亥俄州今天,数百名学生都参与的国民卫队”
(In May, 1970 during a student protest against the Vietnam War, members of the Ohio National Guard fired on a group of students) (在在反越战的学生运动月, 1970年,俄亥俄州国民警卫队的成员开枪一组学生)
"There ll be a killer and a thriller and a chiller when I get the gorilla in Manila." - MUHAMMED ALI “这里会是一个杀手和一个惊悚片和一个冷却器,当我在马尼拉的大猩猩。 ” - 穆罕默德·阿里
(aka Cassius Clay, speaking of his upcoming world-championship boxing match.) (又名卡修斯·克莱,说起自己即将到来的世界冠军的拳击比赛。 )
"I have concluded an agreement to end the War and bring peace with honor in Vietnam." - PRESIDENT RICHARD NIXON “我已经达成了一项协议,以结束战争,实现和平与荣誉,在越南。 ” - 理查德·尼克松总统
"There s a drive into left center field. That ball is gonna be, out of here. It s gone. It s 715. There s a new home run champion of all time and it s Henry Aaron." “有SA开车到左中外野,这球是要去,离开这里,这劳燕分飞,就算它在所有的时间715 SA有新的本垒打冠军,并亨利亚伦。 ”
(There was substantial sentiment against Aaron because he was Black. Death threats were made and were taken seriously. After the home run his mother ran onto the field and hugged her son. She later said that one of the reasons she did this was to shield him from a possible assassin.) (有大幅度的情绪亚伦,因为他是黑人。死亡威胁进行,并认真对待。家里跑后他的母亲跑到现场,抱住她的儿子,她后来说,她这样做的原因之一是为了屏蔽他从一个可能的刺客。 )
"Well, I m not a crook" - PRESIDENT RICHARD NIXON “嗯,我不是个骗子” - 理查德·尼克松总统
"Here s Johnny" - ED MCMAHON “在这里,强尼” - 海关MCMAHON
(announcer of the Tonight Show, introducing Johnny Carson) (播音员的今夜秀,引进约翰尼·卡森)
"I shall resign the Presidency effective at noon tomorrow." - PRESIDENT RICHARD NIXON “我要辞职的总统明天中午生效。 ” - 理查德·尼克松总统
(As the Senate was clearly ready to impeach him due to the Watergate scandal.) (作为参议院显然准备弹劾他因水门丑闻)。
"An absolute pardon unto Richard Nixon." - PRESIDENT GERALD FORD “绝对赦免对尼克松。 ” - 总统福特
"My name is Jimmy Carter, and I m running for President." - GEORGIA GOVERNOR JIMMY CARTER “我的名字叫吉米·卡特,而我会竞选总统。 ” - 乔治亚州州长吉米·卡特
"Live from New York, it s Saturday Night." “从纽约居住,这星期六晚上。 ”
"Elvis Presley died today at Baptist Hospital in Memphis." “猫王今天在浸会医院在孟菲斯去世了。 ”
(Of heart failure, drug overdose on 8/16/77) (心脏衰竭,药物在77年8月16日过量)
"John Lennon was brought to the Emergency Room. He was dead on arrival." “约翰·列侬被带到急诊室,他是死亡。 ”
(Slain in New York City in 1980) (被杀在纽约市于1980年)
"Today marks day number 64 in the hostage crisis in Iran." “在伊朗人质危机今天是天数64 。 ”
"I, Diana Frances take thee Philip Charles Arthur George" - DIANA, PRINCESS OF WALES “我,戴安娜弗朗西丝拿你菲利普·查尔斯·亚瑟·乔治” - 戴安娜王妃
(7/29/81, marriage in St. Paul s Cathedral, London) ( 81年7月29日,结婚的圣保罗大教堂,伦敦)
"To my wedded husband." - ARCHBISHOP OF CANTERBURY “在我结婚的丈夫。 ” - 坎特伯雷大主教
"To my wedded husband." - DIANA, PRINCESS OF WALES “在我结婚的丈夫。 ” - 戴安娜公主威尔士
"A disease striking primarily in the gay community called Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. " “病中的同性恋群体主要是惊人称为获得性免疫缺陷综合征”。
"The liftoff of the 25th Space Shuttle Mission, and it has cleared the tower. Rock and roll, Challenger." - MISSION CONTROL “第25次航天飞机的升空,它清除了塔。摇滚,挑战者。 ” - 任务控制
(On 1/28/86 the booster rockets exploded 73 seconds later, killing all seven astronauts.) (在86年1月28日的助推火箭爆炸73秒后,七名宇航员全部遇难。 )
"We will never forget them, nor the last time we saw them, as they prepared for their journey and waved Goodbye, and slipped the surly bonds of Earth to touch the face of God." - PRESIDENT RONALD REAGAN “我们永远不会忘记他们,也不是最后一次,我们看见他们,当他们准备为他们的旅程,并挥手告别,偷偷地球的切切实实的债券触摸上帝的脸。 ” - 罗纳德·里根总统
"I have as much experience in the Congress as Jack Kennedy did when he sought the Presidency."- SENATOR DAN QUAYLE “我在国会为杰克·肯尼迪,当他寻求总统一样多的经验。 ” - 参议员丹·奎尔
(Vice Presidential candidate) (副总统候选人)
"Senator, you re no Jack Kennedy." - SENATOR LLOYD BENTSEN of Texas “参议员,你再没有杰克·肯尼迪。 ” - 得克萨斯州参议员劳埃德·本特森
(In the televised debate between Vice Presidential candidates, it is hard to imagine how any speech writer could have made such a disastrous blunder. For the young, inexperienced, not-to-bright Quayle to refer to the revered former President so casually as "Jack" was not appropriate. Comparing himself to Kennedy was beyond laughable.) (在副总统候选人之间的电视辩论,这是很难想象的任何词作家可以提出这样一个灾难性的错误。对于年轻的,没有经验,没有对光明的奎尔指的尊敬前总统如此轻描淡写为“杰克“是不恰当的。比较自己肯尼迪超出可笑。 )
"Mr. Gorbachov, tear down this wall." - PRESIDENT RONALD REAGAN “戈尔巴乔夫先生,推倒这堵墙。 ” - 罗纳德·里根总统
(to Soviet Prime Minister Michael Gorbachov, referring to the Berlin Wall. This had been erected to separate the Russian and Allied sectors of the city. It kept the West out, but it s primary purpose was to keep East Germans from escaping.) (苏联总理迈克尔·戈尔巴乔夫,指的是柏林墙,这已经竖起单列市的俄罗斯和盟军的行业,它不停地西出,但它的首要目的是让东德人逃跑。 )
"I don t think it was wrong." - OLIVER NORTH “我不认为根本是错的。 ” - 诺思
(Regarding the trading of weapons for hostages, in what came to be known as the Iran-contra affair.) (关于武器贸易为人质,在后来被称为伊朗门事件。 )
"We did not trade weapons or anything else for hostages." - PRESIDENT RONALD REAGAN “我们没有武器交易或任何其他人质。 ” - 罗纳德·里根总统
"I think it was a neat idea." - OLIVER NORTH “我认为这是一个不错的主意。 ” - 诺思
"Everyone on Sesame Street is always talking about love. Yuck" “每个人都在芝麻街总是在谈论爱情。呸”
"Hundreds of Berliners from East and West, standing atop the Wall, with chisels and hammers." - PRESIDENT GEORGE BUSH “数百名来自东,西柏林,站在上面的墙,用凿子和锤子。 ” - 美国总统布什
"The skies over Baghdad have been illuminated." “在巴格达上空被照亮。 ”
(CNN news correspondent, Bernard Shaw) ( CNN新闻通讯员,萧伯纳)
"Read my lips." - PRESIDENT GEORGE BUSH “读我的唇。 ” - 美国总统布什
(was followed by "No new taxes," a promise he would not keep) (其次是“无新税”的承诺,他不会继续)
"We, the jury, in the above entitled action, find the defendant, Orenthal James Simpson, not guilty of the crime of murder, a felony, upon Nicole Brown Simpson, a human being." - FOREWOMAN OF THE JURY “我们的评审团,在上述题为行动,找到被告, Orenthal詹姆斯·辛普森,不是犯有谋杀罪,重罪,在尼科尔·布朗·辛普森,一个人的罪。 ” - 簿记陪审团
(10/3/95) ( 95年10月3日)
"Princess Diana died of injuries suffered in a car accident" “戴安娜王妃死于伤在一场车祸中遭受”
"I m Ellen and I m gay." - ELLEN DEGENERES “我为艾伦和我为同性恋。 ” - 艾伦·德杰尼勒斯
"Yeah, baby." - MIKE MYERS “是啊,宝贝。 ” - 麦克·梅尔斯
(In the Austin Powers movie) (在王牌大贱谍电影)
"There it is, 62, folks, and we have a new home run champion, Mark Mcguire." “就在那儿, 62 ,朋友们,我们有一个新的本垒打冠军马克·麦圭尔。 ”
"Welcome, you ve got mail." “欢迎光临,您已经得到了邮件。 ”
(Greeting from America-on-line alerting user to a new email message.) (迎接从美国上线提醒用户到一个新的电子邮件。 )
"I did not have sexual relations with that woman." - PRESIDENT BILL CLINTON “我没有和那个女人发生性关系。 ” - 比尔·克林顿总统
"This vast right-wing conspiracy conspiring against my husband." - FIRST LADY HILARY RODHAM CLINTON “这个巨大的右翼阴谋阴谋反对我的丈夫。 ” - 第一夫人希拉里·克林顿
"Watch me pull a rabbit out of my hat" - ROCKY AND BULLWINKLE “看我把兔子从我的帽子” - 岩石和Bullwinkle
(A popular TV cartoon) (一个受欢迎的电视动画片)
"Indeed I did have a relationship with Miss Lewinski that was not appropriate. (Again!) In fact it was wrong. I need to go back to work for the American people." - PRESIDENT BILL CLINTON “事实上,我确实有与莱温斯基小姐有关系,这是不恰当的。 (再次! )其实这是错误的,我要回去工作的美国人民。 ” - 比尔·克林顿总统
"The young killers of Columbine High School do not stand for the spirit of America. We can rise up and we can say No more. " - VICE PRESIDENT AL GORE “科伦拜恩高中的年轻杀手并不代表美国精神,我们可以站起来,可以说没有更多的。 ” - 副总统戈尔
"Let the word go forth from this time and place, that the torch has been passed to a new generation of Americans." - PRESIDENT JOHN KENNEDY “让这个词从这个时间和地点出去,那火炬已经传给新一代美国人。 ” - 约翰肯尼迪总统
歌词 Auld Lang Syne (Millenium Mix) 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:
- 相关歌词
- Surf's Up
- Black Diamond
- I'm From Nowhere
- The Twentieth Century Is Almost Over
- Queenie's Song
- Recitation
- Nothin' New For New Year
- Do Ya
- This Present State Of Grace
- Every Beat Of My Heart
- 推荐歌词
- Silence Like Lasagna (6′7" Freestyle)
- Linda
- Are You Ready?
- Collie Man
- Bring It Back
- Get It All Together
- Dark As A Dungeon
- Ace Of Hz
- Softly
- All My Love Is Gone
- Count The Shadows
- Yesterdays
- The Legacy Of Odio
- Right Tool For The Job
- A Kiss From The Sky
- Sally
- Drummer Boy
- I Saw A Man
- Touch The World
- Yesterday
- "Auld Lang Syne (Millenium Mix)" lyrics are property and copyright of their owners."Auld Lang Syne (Millenium Mix)" lyrics provided for educational purposes and personal use only.
- 歌词 "Auld Lang Syne (Millenium Mix)" 的所有者拥有该歌词的产权和版权。仅供教育目的且仅限个人使用。
- 歌词 "Auld Lang Syne (Millenium Mix)" 的中文对照翻译版本由本站整理完成,仅供学习参考,对于其中的错误本站不承担任何责任。