歌词 "At The End Of Blue" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

At The End Of Blue



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

My skin as pale as bone 我的皮肤苍白如骨

As I hung up the phone 我挂了电话

Heart sunk to the ocean floo 心脏沉到海飞路

Thoughts raced to the nearest shore 比赛的思考到最近的岸上


On my way!! 我在途中!

I'm on my way to you 我对我的方式,你


Red light on a strange machine 红灯一个奇怪的机器上

A side of you I have never seen 对你身边,我从来没见过

What defines me is already there 如何定义我已经在那里

It's only flesh and blood, floating here 这只是血肉之躯,这里的浮动


I'm on my way 我对我的方式

To you 给你


It's a new life 这是一个新的生命

Waiting at the end of blue 等候处的蓝色的端

Where you depend on me 你在哪里我能决定的

As much as I depend on you 当我依靠你多少

I depend on you 我依赖你

歌词 At The End Of Blue 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/at-the-end-of-blue/

歌词 At The End Of Blue 的作者与版权信息:


Jeppe Knudsen, Palle Sorensen, Jess Jensen, Sebastian Sandstrom, Soren Huss


Emi Music Publishing Denmark A/S