歌词 "Asshole" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译




English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

You woke up an asshole 你醒了一个混蛋

I couldn't believe my eyes 我简直不敢相信自己的眼睛

I really hate my bad eye 我真的很讨厌我的坏心眼

And I thought you knew 我还以为你知道


You woke up my girlfriend 你醒了我的女友

I can't believe my luck 我简直不敢相信我的运气

I can't believe my bad luck 我简直不敢相信我的运气不好

And I should have known 我早该知道


You told your friends about me 你告诉你的朋友关于我

I'm not as smart as you 我没有像你这样聪明

And all your stupid questions 和所有的愚蠢的问题

I don't laugh at you 我不嘲笑你


(Can't get it out of my head...) (不能把它弄出来我的头...)

(How can I change you?...) (我怎样才能改变你吗? ...)


And I hope things work out well for you 我希望事情进行的顺利,你

And I'm not coming back 而且我不回来了

You knew 你知道

All along you stole my best line 一直以来,你偷了我的最佳阵容

And you're right 和你说得对

You know I'd go to fucking Hell for you 你知道我会去他妈的地狱为你


There I go, believing you again 在那里,我走了,再相信你

There I go, believing you again 在那里,我走了,再相信你

歌词 Asshole 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/asshole-8/