歌词 "Arbor Day" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Arbor Day


歌词相关歌手:10000 MANIACS

English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Wide open falsehood 敞开的谎言

The clan destine truths 氏族注定的真理

Rival till the end 对手直到结束

In a series of duels 在一连串的决斗

Pardon the drapery language I choose 原谅衣纹的语言我选择


Waltz in Vienna has taught me to use 华尔兹维也纳教会了我使用

Every tall room a fiction 每一个高大的房间小说

Leather bound treasure books 皮革精装书宝

Up to the ceiling 到天花板

Gold spine upon spine 在脊柱脊柱金


The guile and the treason 的狡诈与背叛

The faith and allegiance 信念和忠诚


Wide open falsehood 敞开的谎言

The clan destine truths 氏族注定的真理

Rival till the end 对手直到结束

In a series of duels 在一连串的决斗

Pardon the drapery language I choose 原谅衣纹的语言我选择


The author grew fat to imagine 笔者从小胖子想象

His lead pen careening 他的领先优势倒向笔

Gave voice to the scheming 表达了心计

An Aryan cabale to dethrone 一个雅利安cabale废黜


The guile and the treason 的狡诈与背叛

The faith and allegiance 信念和忠诚

To the empire unknown 对帝国未知


The baron and his mistress 男爵和他的情妇

Dine in fine banquet hall 您可以在精致的宴会厅

As rebel insurgents plot in 由于反政府武装叛乱分子的阴谋

The attic space crawl 阁楼的空间爬行


Wide open falsehood 敞开的谎言

The clan destine truths 氏族注定的真理

Rival till the end 对手直到结束

In a series of duels 在一连串的决斗

Pardon the drapery language I choose 原谅衣纹的语言我选择


His small hand did strive 他的小手却努力

To explain all the 解释所有的

Rants and raves of 咆哮和胡言乱语

A people enslaved 一个民族被奴役


By the cant of the shrewdest 由最精明的斜面

Capable men 有能力的男人


The guile and the treason 的狡诈与背叛

The faith and allegiance 信念和忠诚

Now lie in my hand 现在躺在我的手


The guile and the treason 的狡诈与背叛

The faith and allegiance 信念和忠诚

Now lie in my hand 现在躺在我的手

歌词 Arbor Day 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/arbor-day/