歌词 "Anywhere But Down" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Anywhere But Down



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Well everyone is fake 以及每个人都是假的

And everything is great 而一切都很好

As long as you can clean 只要你可以清理

The messes that you make 您所做的混乱

I punch you in the face í冲你的脸

And everything is safe 一切是安全的

Wearing all the shit 穿所有的狗屁

The shit that I create 我创建了狗屎


I'm not going anywhere but down 我不会去任何地方,但下降

No, I'm not going anywhere 不,我不会去任何地方

I'm not going anywhere but down, yeah 我不会去任何地方,但下来,是啊

No, I'm not going anywhere 不,我不会去任何地方


Look into my eyes 看着我的眼睛

Do you see the size 你看到的大小

Of all the hurt and pain 所有的伤与痛

you know the stupid lake 你知道笨湖

I kill myself today 我杀了我自己今天

I guess I'm too afraid 我想我太害怕了

Of tearing down my world 撕裂了我的世界

And giving you the blame 并为您的责任


I'm not going anywhere but down 我不会去任何地方,但下降

No, I'm not going anywhere 不,我不会去任何地方

I'm not going anywhere but down, yeah 我不会去任何地方,但下来,是啊

No, I'm not going anywhere 不,我不会去任何地方


See that fight 看到打

That fight is mine 这场斗争是我的

That fight is mine 这场斗争是我的

See that light 见光

That light is mine 光线是我的

That light is mine 光线是我的


I kill myself today 我杀了我自己今天

I guess I'm too afraid 我想我太害怕了

Of tearing down my world 撕裂了我的世界

And giving you the blame 并为您的责任


I'm not going anywhere but down 我不会去任何地方,但下降

No, I'm not going anywhere 不,我不会去任何地方

I'm not going anywhere but down, yeah 我不会去任何地方,但下来,是啊

No, I'm not going anywhere 不,我不会去任何地方

歌词 Anywhere But Down 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/anywhere-but-down/