歌词 "Anything But Strong" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Anything But Strong



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Why do you hurt yourself? 你为什么要伤害自己?

You do it very well 你这样做非常好

You do it so politely 你愿意这样做客气地

That you couldn't even tell 你甚至不能告诉

When everything has changed 当一切都变了

You think you're not to blame 你以为你不怪

How come you keep on talking 你怎么继续讲话

When the whole thing feels so strange?.... 当整个事情感觉太奇怪了? ....


But seeing 但看到

Is not the same as believing 是不一样的信

When everything goes wrong 当一切都错了

You're anything but strong 你是什么,但强


It's all bittersweet 这都是苦乐参半

Outside in the street 在外面的街道

The grass is growing greener 草长更环保

Underneath your feet 下面你的脚

We come and go 我们来来去去

The deep water flows 水深流

Tiny leaves from smaller seeds 微小的叶子从较小的种子

To tall trees do grow 以高大的树木都长大


But wanting 但希望

Is not the same thing as needing 是不一样的东西,需要

There's no need to pretend 有没有必要假装

You can't turn back again 你不能回头再

And loving

Is so different to keeping 是如此的不同,以保持

The hurting that we send 的伤害,我们送

Is so difficult to mend 如此难补


Hold on to the good things 紧握的好东西

That keep you from falling down 这让你从跌倒

Hold on to the good things 紧握的好东西

That keep you from falling down 这让你从跌倒


How my heart aches 怎么我的心脏隐隐作痛

More than I can take 以上我可以带

What are we really learning 什么是我们真正学习

When we make the same mistakes? 当我们犯同样的错误?


Where is your hope? 哪里是你的希望吗?

It's all gone up in smoke 这一切都在烟雾上升

You used to be so funny 你曾经是那么可笑

Now it's just the same old joke 现在,它只是同样的老笑话


And laughing

Is so very close to crying 如此非常接近哭

When there's nothing to defend 当没有什么可辩护

It gets you in the end 它可以让你在最后

And living 生活

Is so very close to dying 如此非常接近垂危

You struggle on and on 你挣扎和

To find where you belong 找到属于你


Where do you belong? 在哪里你属于?

歌词 Anything But Strong 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/anything-but-strong/

歌词 Anything But Strong 的作者与版权信息:


David Allan Stewart, Annie Lennox


Eligible Music Ltd., La Lennoxa Music Co. Ltd.