歌词 "Another Wasted Nite With..." 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Another Wasted Nite With...



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

[Common's answering machine beeps] [常见的应答机发出哔哔声]

Say brotha 说brotha

If you ever let me leave out a club 如果你让我离开了俱乐部

with a big fat ass, stove-like bitch 一个大肥屁股,灶具般的婊子

like that without point out the facts, 像,没有指出该事实,

I'ma kick your motherfuckin ass. 我是踢你他妈的屁股。

Man that nerve of the hoe not to give me no pussy. 人的锄头是神经不给我任何的阴户。

Come up in my house tryin to watch movies and shit. 出现在我的房子试着看电影和狗屎。

This ain't no motherfuckin cinema, BITCH! 这不是没有娘的电影,婊子!

Who the fuck she thought I... 谁他妈的她以为我...

Say brotha, I wasted a evening 说brotha ,我浪费了晚上

I shoulda went witcha, but ohh well 没我早该去witcha ,但留在我身边好

You know I gets my pussy anyway, you know 你知道,我得到我的阴部,无论如何,你知道

That's how playaz do 这是playaz怎么办

But gahd-damnit Rashan 但gahd ,该死Rashan

That big ass bitch *cracks up* 这大屁股婊子*破解了*

If you'da said to spread on that hoe 如果youda说传播上的锄头

Man I could kick my own ass 男人我能踢自己的屁股

Well, should go to work 好了,应该去上班

Just another wasted nite 只是另一种浪费有限

And ohhhh, ohhhh 和天上,天上

Heyyy, heyyy, what can you say Heyyy , heyyy ,你能说什么

歌词 Another Wasted Nite With... 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/another-wasted-nite-with/