歌词 "Another Night Alone" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Another Night Alone



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Alone again tonight 再次独自今晚

In this empty time 在这个空的时候

The sound in my head 在我脑海中的声音

The sight leaves me blind 眼前让我失明


I'll write a million words 我会写一万字

I'll sing until it hurts 我会唱,直到它伤害

How far could this be 多远会这样

Until it's seen 直到它看到


How long will I let this go 我多久让它走

I can't stand to spend another night alone 我无法忍受花一个晚上独自


I stare at the empty walls 我盯着空荡荡的墙壁

I speak, no one hears 我说,没有人听

I make every excuse 我尽一切借口

And blame my fears 都怪我的恐惧


All these shadows come to rest 所有这些阴影来休息

In my head 在我的脑海

I can't see you 我看不到你

I can't hear the things you said 我听不见你说的事情


There is a secret place 有一个秘密的地方

You'll find a bloodstained fence 你会发现一个血迹斑斑的栅栏

It's there the future speaks 它的存在对未来讲

And she spoke to me 她跟我说话

歌词 Another Night Alone 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/another-night-alone/