歌词 "Anorexorcist" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译




English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

You need a path to cross 你需要一个路径跨越

Into a place where everyone you see 到这里大家可以看到的地方

Has had a time to try to PLAY! 已经有一段时间去尝试玩!


If you go get shot 如果你被枪杀

When you'll be what you name 当你将你的名字

Protector of your gun 你的枪的保护

Everyone plays with your gun 每个人都扮演着与你的枪


Way, way, way, way 方式,方法,方式,方法


Everyone wants to try to gun you gun you down in pain 每个人都想尝试,你的枪枪你失望的痛苦

Want to see you try to play 希望看到您尝试播放

I want to describe you 我想介绍你

Put your name as a national woman 把你的名字作为国家的女人

I don't like your coffee 我不喜欢你的咖啡

I want to have your friendship 我想有你的友谊

As a jock, and to the top 作为一个股癣和顶端


Way, way, way, way 方式,方法,方式,方法

歌词 Anorexorcist 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/anorexorcist/

歌词 Anorexorcist 的作者与版权信息:


Kurt Cobain


Primary Wave Tunes, The End Of Music