歌词 "Animal Language" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Animal Language


歌词相关歌手:LOU REED

English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Miss Riley had a dog 莱利小姐有一只狗

she used to keep it in her backyard 她曾经把它放在自己的后院

And when the dog began to bark 当狗开始吠叫

all the neighbors began to shout 所有的邻居开始喊

Then came a stormy night 然后来了一个风雨交加的夜晚

Miss Riley let her dog out 莱利小姐让她的狗出去

And when the neighbors found him 'round 当邻居发现他轮

they put a gun down his mouth and shot him down 他们把枪放下他的嘴和他拍下来

and he went 和他去


Ooohhh-wow, bow-wow Ooohhh哇,汪汪

Ooohhh-wow, bow-wow Ooohhh哇,汪汪


Miss Murphy had a cat 墨菲小姐有一只猫

on her lap it sat 在她的腿上就坐着

And once in a great big while 而一旦在一个伟大的大,而

it looked like that Cheshire cat did smile 它看起来像柴郡猫也微笑

But often it used to chase 但往往用来追

anything that crossed its face 任何越过它的脸

But one day it got so hot 但是有一天它得到这么热

that Cheshire cat had a blood clot 柴郡猫有血块

and she said 她说:


Ooohhh-meow, me-meow Ooohhh - 喵,我,喵

Ooohhh-meow, me-meow Ooohhh - 喵,我,喵




And then the dog met the cat 然后狗见了猫

the dog was hot and the cat was wet 狗是热和猫是湿的

Then came some sweaty dude 然后是有些吃力花花公子

he put a board between the two 他把电路板两者之间

Then they couldn't get at it 然后,他们不能得到它

got frustrated all about it 很沮丧有关它的一切

So they did the only thing you could do 所以他们做了你唯一可以做的

they took the dude's sweat and shot it up between the two 他们拿着家伙的汗水和拍摄它在两者之间

and they said 他们说


Ooohhh-wow, bow-wow Ooohhh哇,汪汪

Ooohhh-wow, bow, me, wow Ooohhh哇,弓,我,哇

歌词 Animal Language 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/animal-language/

歌词 Animal Language 的作者与版权信息:


Lou Reed


Oakfield Avenue Music Ltd.