歌词 "Angels And Fuselage" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Angels And Fuselage



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Looking out the window, the trees are getting closer it seems. 望着窗外,树木越来越近,似乎。

Thinking bout you Darling. 不由自主的想你亲爱的。

Adding up the cost of these dreams. 添加了这些梦想的成本。


Strapped to this projectile, just a blink ago I was back in school. 绑在这个弹丸,只是一个眨眼前,我回到了学校。

Smoking by the gym door, practicing my rock-star attitude 在健身房门口抽烟,我练摇滚明星的姿态


And I'm scared shitless of what's coming next. 我为接下来会发生什么吓得狂妄。

I'm scared shitless, these angels I see in the trees are waiting for me. 我很害怕狂妄,这些天使我在树上看到正在等着我。


The engines have stopped now. We all know we are going down. Last call for alcohol. 现在的引擎已经停止。我们都知道,我们正在下降。最后一次通话的酒精。

Sure wish I could have another round. 真希望我能有另一番。


And I'm scared shitless of what's coming next. 我为接下来会发生什么吓得狂妄。

Scared shitless, these angels I see in the trees are waiting for me. 吓得狂妄,这些天使我在树上看到正在等着我。

Waiting for me. 等着我。


Friends in the swamp. 朋友在沼泽。

Friends on the ground, in the trees. 朋友们在地面上,在树上。

Angels and fuselage. 天使和机身。

歌词 Angels And Fuselage 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/angels-and-fuselage/

歌词 Angels And Fuselage 的作者与版权信息:


Patterson Hood/Mike Cooley/ Earl Hicks/Rob Malone/Brad Morgan, Patterson, Earl Hicks, Mike, Rob Malone, Brad Morgan


Razor & Tie Music O.B.O. Soul Dump Music, Soul Dump Music *terminated*