歌词 "Angel" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译




English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

The voice on the telephone sounds awful angry 在电话里的声音听起来很可怕的愤怒

And somehow it doesn't fit in 并以某种方式不适合

With the face in the picture I keep on my dresser 与面部在画面中我一直在我的梳妆台

Of the girl I once called my best friend 的女孩,我曾经打电话给我的最好的朋友


We drank from the fountain of good times and dreaming 我们从好时光喷泉和做梦喝

But these lawyers have poisoned the well 但这些律师已中毒的好

And as our love is dying they're making a killing 而作为我们的爱是死于他们正在做一个杀人

On heartaches and furniture sales 在心痛和家具销售


And the line between evil and good disappears 与恶与善之间消失的行

And now it's so hard to tell 现在它是如此难以启齿

Am I shaking a demon that's after my soul 我在抖了恶魔这是我的命

Or sending an angel to Hell? 或发送天使地狱?


Am I right or is she right or are we both wrong? 我说得对还是她是正确的还是我们都错了?

Or is it even about that at all? 或者是即使有关呢?

As Heaven is fading we're fighting and fussing 如天逐渐消退,我们正在争取与瞎忙

And the devil's just having a ball. 与魔鬼只是有一个球。


And the line between evil and good disappears 与恶与善之间消失的行

And now it's so hard to tell 现在它是如此难以启齿

Am I shaking a demon that's after my soul 我在抖了恶魔这是我的命

Or sending an angel to Hell? 或发送天使地狱?

歌词 Angel 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/angel-16/

歌词 Angel 的作者与版权信息:


Jamey Johnson, Jeff Bates, James A. Johnston


Stephanie Music Publishing Inc., Warner-tamerlane Publishing Corp., Big Gassed Hitties