歌词 "Amy's Song" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Amy's Song



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Amy's gone 艾米的走了

And time rolls on 时间滚滚向前

How far? how fast? how long? 还有多远?有多快?多久?


The last time we saw Amy 我们看到艾米最后一次

She was headed for the shore 她走向岸边

Fighting off the volatile gray skies 客战挥发性灰色的天空


She said now begins forever 她说,现在开始永远

And that no one knows their time 而且,没有人知道他们的时间

We bid farewell not knowing 我们告别了不知道

That might be our last goodbye 这可能是我们最后的告别


Amy was a fighter 艾米是一个战士

She cut like Casius Clay 她把喜欢Casius泥

She burned like a fire 她烧了像火

Despite these rains 尽管有这些降雨


Where time was a question ,时间是个问题

She only knew one song 她只知道一首歌曲

She's singing, "how far, how fast, how long?" 她唱歌, “有多远,多快,多久? ”


Salvation is a fire 救恩是火

In the midnight of the soul 在灵魂的午夜

It lights up like a can of gasoline 它亮起来像汽油罐


Yeah, she's a freedom fighter 是啊,她是一个自由战士

She's a stand up kind of girl 她是一个站起来那种女孩

She's out to start a fire 她走出来生火

In a bar code plastic world 在条形码塑料的世界


When everything stops moving 当一切都停止移动

And I stop to catch my breath 我停下来喘口气

And ride my train of thought 和骑我的思路

All the way round 一路轮


My thoughts return to Amy 我的思绪回到艾米

And the fire she's begun 而火,她的开始

She came when we were freezing 她来的时候,我们被冻结

And left us burning up 并给我们留下了燃烧起来

歌词 Amy's Song 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/amy_s-song-1/