歌词 "Always With You" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Always With You



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

There's something that I want to say 还有,我想说点什么

Before you just walk away 在你一走了之

I wish that you would stay and kiss my lips 我希望你能留下,吻我的嘴唇

There's something that I need to know 还有,我需要知道的东西

Is that not possible 那是不可能的

I hate to see you go 我讨厌看到你去

I'm serious 我是认真的


Oh wow look at us now 哇哦看我们现在

Chillin' at the beach 'till the sun goes down 寒冷的在沙滩上“ ,直到太阳下山

Rollin' down the street to the P9 sound 罗林在街上的声音P9

Whatever I do I wanna be 无论我做什么我想成为


Always with you 永远伴随着你

There's no need to ever wonder 有没有必要永远不知道

Me with you what I'm wantin' 我跟你什么,我想从

Always with you 永远伴随着你

Forever's where I wanna stay 永远也正是我想留

So promise me you'll never go away 所以,答应我你永远不会离开


I finally got the never to tell you how I really feel 我终于得到了永远不会告诉你我的真实感受

And now you know the deal 现在你知道交易

So how 'bout you 因此,如何你的思念

I bet you fell the same for me 我敢打赌,你爱上了我也一样

Cause I can fell your energy 因为我可以落在你的能量

You wish for us to be, I fell it too 你希望我们能,我爱上了它太多


Oh wow look at us now 哇哦看我们现在

Chillin' at the beach 'till teh sun goes down 寒冷的在沙滩上“ ,直到德太阳下山

Rollin' down the street to the P9 sound 罗林在街上的声音P9

Whatever I do I wanna be 无论我做什么我想成为


Always with you 永远伴随着你

There's no need to ever wonder 有没有必要永远不知道

Me with you what I'm wantin' 我跟你什么,我想从

Always with you 永远伴随着你

Forever's where I wanna stay 永远也正是我想留

So promise me you'll never go away 所以,答应我你永远不会离开


Oh wow look at us now 哇哦看我们现在

Chillin' at the beach 'till teh sun goes down 寒冷的在沙滩上“ ,直到德太阳下山

Rollin' down the street to the P9 sound 罗林在街上的声音P9

Whatever I do I wanna be 无论我做什么我想成为


Always with you 永远伴随着你

There's no need to ever wonder 有没有必要永远不知道

Me with you what I'm wantin' 我跟你什么,我想从

Always with you 永远伴随着你

Forever's where I wanna stay 永远也正是我想留

So promise me you'll never go away 所以,答应我你永远不会离开


When the sunlight is on your face 当阳光在你的脸上

I can't belive the beauty that I see 我不能相信的时候,我看到美女

And I won't have it any other way 我不会有任何其他方式

Cause with you is where I wanna be 因为你是我想成为的人


Always with you 永远伴随着你

There's no need to ever wonder 有没有必要永远不知道

Me with you what I'm wantin' 我跟你什么,我想从

Always with you 永远伴随着你

Forever's where I wanna stay 永远也正是我想留

So promise me you'll never go away 所以,答应我你永远不会离开

歌词 Always With You 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/always-with-you/

歌词 Always With You 的作者与版权信息:


Mark Qura Rankin


Songs Of Universal Inc., Notting Hill Music Inc.