歌词 "(Alla En) El Rancho Grande" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

(Alla En) El Rancho Grande



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

I love to roam out yonder 我爱漫游了那边

Out where the buffalo wander 哪里出了水牛漫步

Free as the eagle flying I'm a-roping and a-tying 自由的雄鹰,展翅翱翔我是成串和饰物


Give me my ranch and my cattle 给我的农场,我的牛

Far from the greed city's rattle 远离贪婪城市的拨浪鼓

Give me a big herd to battle 给我一个很大的从众上阵

For I just love herding the cattle 因为我只是喜欢放牧的牛


I love to roam out yonder 我爱漫游了那边

Out where the buffalo wander 哪里出了水牛漫步

Free as the eagle flying I'm a-roping and a-tying 自由的雄鹰,展翅翱翔我是成串和饰物

I'm a-roping and a-tying 我是成串和A-搭售


Give me my bridle and saddle 给我的缰绳和马鞍

And my old pinto I'll straddle 和我的老托我将跨越

I'll get the cowboys a-riding 我去了牛仔骑

Out where the rustlers are hiding 哪里出了偷牛贼被隐藏


I love to roam out yonder 我爱漫游了那边

Out where the buffalo wander 哪里出了水牛漫步

Free as the eagle flying I'm a-roping and a-tying 自由的雄鹰,展翅翱翔我是成串和饰物

I'm a-roping and a-tying 我是成串和A-搭售


Sometimes the winter storms tearing 有时冬季风暴撕裂

Set all the cattle a-rearing 将所有的牛​​,饲养

But when the winter is over 但是,当冬天已经过去

We're sure enough in the clover 我们果然在三叶草


Alla en la rancho grande 阿拉EN LA大牧场

Alla donde vivia 阿拉东德vivia

Habia una ranche rita 哈比亚UNA ranche丽塔

Que alegre me decia 阙阿莱格里我decia

Que alegre me decia 阙阿莱格里我decia

歌词 (Alla En) El Rancho Grande 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/alla-en-el-rancho-grande/