歌词 "All These Things" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

All These Things



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Maybe it's her face, no makeup at all 也许这是她的脸,不化妆可言

As she tells me she's not beautiful 当她告诉我她不漂亮

Maybe it's her hair, soft golden and wind blown 也许这是她的头发,柔和的金色和风吹

As we drive through the streets of town 当我们穿过小镇的街道上开车

It could be all these things 这可能是所有这些事情

But I think it's her smile 但我认为这是她的笑容

Maybe it's her laugh when she throws back and sighs 也许这是她笑的时候,她抛出背部和叹息

Or her eyebrows when I do something stupid 或她的眉毛,当我做一些愚蠢的事

Maybe it's her smell, the lotion she wears 也许这是她的气味,洗液她穿

Or how my hands smell like country pear for days 不管我的手闻起来像梨的国家为天

You know it could be all these things 你知道这可能是所有这些事情

But I think mostly it is her smile 但我想,这是她的笑容

Cause I love to see her smile back at me 因为我喜欢看到她的笑容回来看我

And I know she is happy 我知道她是幸福的

Maybe it's her touch, the feel of her hands 也许这是她联系,她的手的感觉

When she puts her tiny fingers in mine 当她把她的小手指在我

Maybe it's her eyes gently searching my soul 也许这是她的眼睛轻轻地寻找我的灵魂

Still nothing stirs me like when I see those lips roll 仍然没有激起我,当我看到那些嘴唇像滚

and I see her smile 我看到她的笑容

Cause I love to see her smile back at me 因为我喜欢看到她的笑容回来看我

And I know she is happy 我知道她是幸福的

歌词 All These Things 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/all-these-things-1/