歌词 "All The Way" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

All The Way



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Alright baby. You know how to have a good time don't cha 好的宝贝。你知道如何有一个很好的时间不查

It's the way you stand 这是你站在路

You're always attracting attention 你总是引起人们的注意


Now with your hands on your hips, and a 现在,用你的双手放在臀部,以及

Snarl on your lips 咆哮在你的嘴唇

Your eyes wore the look of danger 你的眼睛穿了危险的样子

There's a lion in your heart, 有一个在你的心脏的狮子,


That's set to quick start, 这是设置为快速启动,


To a glance from any stranger 从任何一个陌生人一目了然

You give as good as you get 你给的你一样好

No one's beat you yet 没人打你还

You take the lead 你带头

You never need 你永远需要

You know all the moves you've got to make 你知道所有你必须做的动作


You take it all, you take it all the way 你把它所有的,你把它所有的方式


Ya never do things by half 雅从来一半做的事情

You're a man with a reputation 你是一个男人与一个声誉

You never shy when the problems fly 你永远不会害羞时的问题,飞

You can cope with any situation 可以应付任何情况

You take the wheel and crack the whip 你把轮子和破解鞭

You never slip 你永远不打滑

You rule the roost 你称雄

You always boast 你总是夸

Yeah you're lookin' after number one 是的,你好像在看着一把手后,


You take it all, you take it all the way 你把它所有的,你把它所有的方式

歌词 All The Way 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/all-the-way-12/

歌词 All The Way 的作者与版权信息:


Ivor Davies


Kobalt Music Services Australia Pty Ltd.