歌词 "All I Left Behind" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

All I Left Behind



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

All I left behind should come as no surprise 我所留下的应该是毫不奇怪

To me since I fell through the black hole of your eye 对我来说,因为我从你的眼睛的黑洞下跌

Only little things inconsequential I could say 只有一点无关紧要的东西,我可以说,

Of all I left behind with you along the lost highway 所有我留下你沿着公路损失

Silver earrings in Wichita 威奇托银耳环

Beaded moccasins in Tonapah 在Tonapah串珠鹿皮鞋


But I had you so 但我有你这么

I just let them go 我只是让他们去

The flannel shirt I wore to keep me from the cold 法兰绒衬衫我穿让我从寒冷

When we drove from Boston all the way to Buffalo 当我们驱车从波士顿一路水牛城

The leather boots I bought so many miles ago 皮靴我买这么多英里前

I took them off to follow you into the Ohio 我把它们赶走跟着你到俄亥俄州

Never did my armor feel so thin 从来没有我的盔甲觉得这么薄


Silk was all I had between me and your skin 蚕丝被所有我有我和你之间的皮肤

Like waterloo I lost that too 就像滑铁卢我失去了太多

And the gold bracelet with my fathers name inscribed 和金手镯和我父亲的名字刻

On the back by the one who loved him all her life 在回来谁爱他她所有的生活之一

The way I too could have loved you 我也可以爱你的方式

The spanish shawl I put across the broken shade 西班牙披肩,我把整个灯罩碎

Of the lamp that lit the room 这点燃了房间里的灯


That last night near Cour d'Alene 附近的Cour D Alene的昨天晚上

Only little things inconsequential I could say 只有一点无关紧要的东西,我可以说,

Of all I left behind with you along the lost highway 所有我留下你沿着公路损失

Of all I left behind 所有我留在身后

歌词 All I Left Behind 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/all-i-left-behind/

歌词 All I Left Behind 的作者与版权信息:


Anna Mcgarrigle, Emmylou Harris


Poodlebone Music