歌词 "All For The Love Of A Girl" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

All For The Love Of A Girl



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Well today I'm so weary 好了今天我很疲惫

Today I'm so blue 今天,我很蓝

Sad and broken hearted 悲伤和心碎

And it's all because of you 而且这一切都是因为你


Life was a sweet girl 生活是一个甜美的女孩

Live was a song 现场是一首歌

But now you've gone and left me 但现在你走了,留下我

Tell me where did I go wrong 告诉我,我做错什么了


And it's all for the love 这一切都为爱

Of a dear little girl 一个可爱的小女孩

All for the love 所有的爱

That sets my life in a whirl 这集我的生活一片混乱


I'm a man who'd give his life 我是男人谁愿意献出自己的生命

And the joys of this world 而这个世界的乐趣

All for the love of a girl 一切为了一个女孩的爱

歌词 All For The Love Of A Girl 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/all-for-the-love-of-a-girl/

歌词 All For The Love Of A Girl 的作者与版权信息:


Johnny Horton


Vogue Music