歌词 "Airplane" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译




English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Airplane, airplane 飞机,飞机

Put me to sleep again 让我再睡

Take me away, off to a dream 带我走,开了一个梦

And then I'll fly so high across the sky 然后我就飞在天空中如此之高

Awake in a new place 醒在一个新的地方

Where mistakes of my past are erased 凡我过去的错误被删除


Don't drop me 不要给我

Don't stop me 不要阻止我

Just hold me 只要抱着我

So cozy 如此惬意


Airplane, airplane 飞机,飞机

Don't you go down today 难道你现在下去

Take me away, off to a better place 把我带走,关到一个更好的地方

You know just where I'd like to go 你知道,只是,我想去

Please get me there on time 请让我有时间

Don't delay me from losing my mind 不要失去我的脑海耽误我


Don't drop me 不要给我

Don't stop me 不要阻止我

Just hold me 只要抱着我


Airplane, airplane 飞机,飞机

Don't you go down today 难道你现在下去

Take me away, off to a better place 把我带走,关到一个更好的地方

You know just where I'd like to go 你知道,只是,我想去

Please get me there real soon 请让我有真正的快

I've important things that I must do 我有我必须做的重要的事情

歌词 Airplane 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/airplane-3/

歌词 Airplane 的作者与版权信息:


Mike Retondo, Tom Higgenson


WB Music Corp., So Crappy Publishing, So Happy Publishing