歌词 "Ain't Me" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Ain't Me


歌词相关歌手:MEEK MILL

English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

[Intro: DJ Drama] [简介: DJ戏剧]

Alright lets be clear 好吧,您要清楚

They might of done a thing or two 他们可能做的两件事

But there track record in the streets is "Ain't Like Me" 但是,跟踪在街头记录“是不喜欢我”

They ain't me 他们不是我


[Hook: Meek Mill] [钩:米克磨房]

Ain't me, ain't me, these pussy ass niggas ain't me 不是我,不是我,这些猫屁股黑鬼是不是我

Got a couple main hoes that I'm fucking round with 我是他妈的轮有一对夫妇的主要锄头

But this one bad bitch you can't see 但是这一个坏婊子,你看不到

And all my niggas get straight to the money, these stones all clear HD 和我所有的黑鬼得到直接的金钱,这些石头都清晰的HD

And my DC chain shine bright, shine bright with my gold AP 我直流链光泽亮丽,光泽明亮,我的金AP

Ain't me, ain't me, these pussy ass niggas ain't me 不是我,不是我,这些猫屁股黑鬼是不是我

Got a couple real niggas that I'm fucking round with 我是他妈的轮有一对夫妇真正的黑鬼

Can't come round a nigga ain't see 不能来圆一个黑人不看

And them bricks still sell them for the high 并砖块还在卖他们的高

My nigga in the drop top birds ain't cheap 我在跌幅居前的鸟兄弟们不便宜

These niggas still sell the work 这些黑鬼还在卖作品

Tell 'em work ain't that easy 告诉他们的工作不是那么容易


[Verse 1: Meek Mill] [诗歌1 :米克磨房]

Ain't me, ain't me, these pussy ass niggas ain't me 不是我,不是我,这些猫屁股黑鬼是不是我

These pussy ass niggas can't come to my hood 这些猫屁股黑鬼不能来我的引擎盖

Cause you pussy ass niggas ain't me 因为你的猫屁股黑鬼是不是我

I got all these shooters that's down for the cause 我把所有这些射手那下来的原因

And they all get money like me 他们都拿钱和我一样

And, and I still ride around my hood 而且,我还骑在我的引擎盖

Quarter milli on a nigga white tee 在一个黑人白T恤季度毫

And yall niggas still hating on it, still hating on it 和亚勒黑鬼还是恨它,还是恨它

Talking what they gonna do to me 说到他们会怎样对我

But I'm strapped up & I'm waiting on it 但我绑起来和我在等待就可以了

These niggas ain't built like that 这些黑鬼没有内置这样的

These niggas get killed like that 这些黑鬼被杀这样的

Running 'round my name in their mouth 运行轮我在他们口中的名字

Banana clips get peeled like that 香蕉夹得到去皮这样的

And they wonder why I feel like that 他们想知道为什么我觉得这样的

Cause every other month I make a mill like that 导致每隔一个月我做这样的磨

Took my whole family up out that hood 带着全家出了那罩

Set 'em all nice in the hills like that, shit real like that 将他们所有美好的像小山,真正的狗屎一样,

You ain't gotta like my shit, pay for the flow, I don't write my shit 你是不是得喜欢我的,妈的,支付流程,我不写我的屎

Better pray to God I don't like your bitch 更好地向上帝祈祷,我不喜欢你的婊子

Cause if she catch eye then she might get hit! Woah! 因为如果她抓到眼睛那么她可能会被打!哇!


[Hook] [钩]


[Verse 2: Yo Gotti] [诗2:呦高帝]

I'm a real ass nigga and I've been like that 我是一个真正的蠢货,我一直在这样的

Day one and I ain't gone change 有一天,我不走了变化

In the hood nigga act a little different when I come through 在引擎盖黑鬼行为有点不同,当我穿过

Cause a nigga got a little change 造成黑人有点变化

Little pussy ass nigga don't test no nigga 小猫的屁股黑鬼不考不黑鬼

Cause if he do then its gone be flames 因为如果他这样做了,然后走了是火焰

That 40 gone go bang bang 这40走了走哐哐

Them niggas might say my name 他们黑鬼可能会说我的名字

My young niggas got rollies on 我年轻的黑鬼了rollies上

Bitches got them Birkins on 母狗把他们Birkins上

My trigger finger been itchin' 我扣动扳机的手指被itchin “

My patients short, but my money long 我的病人短,但我的钱长

Its levels to this shit for real 它的水平,这狗屎真

Boy I'm dream chasing tryna see a hundred M's 男孩我的梦想追逐tryna看到一个百M的

Got the plug on deck if I wanna go back 登上甲板的插件,如果我想回去

Put work in the trap what you know about that 把工作中的陷阱,你知道那是什么

Pillow talking to ya ho hating on a nigga 枕头说话亚豪恨的一个黑人

Fuck around lose ya ho like that 他妈的左右失去雅豪这样的

Ain't me, ain't me, these rapping ass niggas, ain't me 不是我,不是我,这些说唱屁股黑鬼,是不是我

Only fuck with real niggas like Meek (What up meek?) 只有他妈的与真正的黑鬼像米克(最多温顺是什么? )

You ain't CMG or DC 你是不是CMG或DC


[Hook] [钩]


[Verse 3: Omelly] [第3节: Omelly ]

Ain't me, these pussy ass niggas ain't me 是不是我的,这些猫屁股黑鬼是不是我

Gettin' money my day ones you know we reppin' DC 刚开了钱我一天的人,你知道我们reppin “直流

Cause I dropped that bag on you, I kill you niggas for free 因为我休学了包你,我杀了你黑鬼免费

I got all this money on me, I got all these hundreds on me ho 我有那么多钱在我身上,我得到了所有这些数百对我豪

Backin' up in this Panamera with some rich ass hoes Backin 在此Panamera的一些丰富的屁股锄头

Started off with a quarter ounce, had to get that dough 有四分之一盎司起步,只好拿到面团

Flip them, move circles on them like Tic Tac Toe 它们翻转,移动各界对他们像井字

Hoes ready they fucking sucking on the get set go 锄头准备他们他妈的吸吮的获取设置去


[Hook] [钩]


[Outro: DJ Drama] [尾奏: DJ戏剧]

I guess we can't tell you enough 我想我们不能告诉你有足够的

What you do won't make you me 你做了什么不会让你我

Truthfully some of you niggas need to get some sleep 说实话有些黑鬼,你需要得到一些睡眠

Your dreams aren't manifesting correctly 你的梦想不正确体现

歌词 Ain't Me 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/ain_t-me-1/