歌词 "Addicted To Songz" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Addicted To Songz



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

I got her addicted (S-O-N-G-Z) 我被她上瘾(S - O-N -G -Z )

I got her addicted (I go in deeply) 我被她上瘾(我走在深深的)

I got her addicted (I'm the MVP) 我被她上瘾(我的最有价值球员)

Addicted to what the dick did 沉迷于什么样的家伙做

Game time 游戏时间


It started wita model and a bottle full of Vodka 它开始wita模型和一个完整的伏特加酒瓶

(Ayeee) ( Ayeee )

Sophisticated woman & she say that she a doctor 精致的女人和她说,她是医生

(Oh) (呵呵)

I gotta pretty woman, sexy on her own and, later on she text me on her phone said, 我要漂亮的女人,性感的她自己,后来在她文字我对她的电话说,

"I know you young, but come show me ya grown hat" “我知道你年轻,但来告诉我雅长大帽子”

Sex in the city (Sex in the city) 欲望都市(欲望都市)


Started off with a kiss (It did) 用一个吻开始了(它没有)

Next thing was her leg (It did) 接下来的事情是她的腿(它没有)

Next thing was some motion, in her ocean, I kept coastin 接下来的事情是一些运动,在她的海洋,我一直coastin

Now she... 现在,她...


I am addicted to Songz (Songz!) 我沉迷于组合] (组合] ! )

I am addicted to Songz (Yup!) 我沉迷于组合] (是的! )

I am addicted to Songz 我沉迷于组合]

My addiction 我的瘾

[Trey Songz:] (I make your girl say) [新人报道​​: ] (我做你的女孩说)

I am addicted to Songz (Songz!) 我沉迷于组合] (组合] ! )

I am addicted to Songz (Yup!) 我沉迷于组合] (是的! )

I am addicted to Songz 我沉迷于组合]

My addiction 我的瘾


I guess it's that good to her 我想这是对她好

Check 检查

When I look into the mirror (Whatchu see?) 当我照镜子( Whatchu看到了什么? )


A G is all I see (Me too, come on) 此外,G是我所看到的(我也是,来吧)

And it could never be more clearer (Whatchu mean?) 它不可能是更多更清晰( Whatchu是什么意思? )

Cause she's addicted to the love I give (Yup! Yup!) 因为她沉迷于爱情,我给(是啊!是啊! )

She so stuck on it 她这么坚持就可以了

Night to the morning, dusk to dawn, in the afternoon, and after the moon is gone, 晚上到早晨,黄昏到黎明,月亮西沉的下午,而此前,

and the sun come back around, and the lights goin down cause it's night time now, and we still getting down 而太阳绕回来,和灯布莱恩跌的原因,而是晚上的时间了,我们仍然得到下降

She don't feel pain no more, so she still sittin down, still goin round 她不觉得疼痛没有了,所以她仍然呆坐着了,还是布莱恩轮

If she were a pool I would drown 如果她是一个游泳池,我淹死

Shit, I'm a fool, I'm a clown 妈的,我是一个傻瓜,我是一个小丑


Started off with a kiss (It did) 用一个吻开始了(它没有)

Next thing was her leg (It did) 接下来的事情是她的腿(它没有)

Next thing was some motion, in her ocean, I kept coastin 接下来的事情是一些运动,在她的海洋,我一直coastin

Now she... 现在,她...


I am addicted to Songz (Songz!) 我沉迷于组合] (组合] ! )

I am addicted to Songz (Yup!) 我沉迷于组合] (是的! )

I am addicted to Songz 我沉迷于组合]

My addiction 我的瘾

[Trey Songz:] (I make your girl say) [新人报道​​: ] (我做你的女孩说)

I am addicted to Songz (Songz!) 我沉迷于组合] (组合] ! )

I am addicted to Songz (Yup!) 我沉迷于组合] (是的! )

I am addicted to Songz 我沉迷于组合]

My addiction 我的瘾


She's beginning to go insane from the needle in her vein 她开始在她的静脉去疯狂从针

Needle in her vein called the, Neverson, Tremaine 针在她的静脉叫, Neverson ,特里梅因

Addicted to the verses her dispersin like cocaine 沉迷于她的诗句dispersin喜欢可卡因

He dope, but he so vain 他涂料,但他这样白白

Cook coke in flames 煮焦的火焰

Bag it, once I have it, in the plastic, I deliver that, give it to the internet 包包吧,一旦我拥有了它,在塑料,我提供的是,它给互联网

Then they start developin a twitch for the shit that I spit through the fix 然后,他们开始developin抽搐了,我通过修复吐狗屎

And if you hatin eat a glass dick trick 如果你hatin吃玻璃家伙招

Girl you know I got that good shit 女孩,你知道我得到的好东西

歌词 Addicted To Songz 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/addicted-to-songz/