歌词 "Abilene" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译




English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Can't you see I'm holding your flag 你没看见我牵着你的标志

The one that you left on the ground 你离开的理由是一

Well is the world too heavy for you 嗯是世界太沉重了你

If it makes you feel better, I'll carry it, too 如果它让你感觉更好,我会带着它,太

No one's gonna stand in your light 没人会站在你的光

Impressions are easy to fight 印象很容易打

But until you turn to me and say 但是,直到你转身对我说

You don't need anyone to carry the weight, I will stay o 你不需要任何人携带的重量,我会留Ø


[CHORUS:] [合唱: ]

Abilene 阿比林

Bring it on home to me 在回家拿来给我

Abilene 阿比林


Isn't it good to be free o 是不是好得自由Ò

Can't you see I'm wearing your shirt 你没看见我穿你的衬衫

The one with the heart on the sleeve 一个与套筒上的心脏

Everyone can see you've been hurt 每个人都可以看到你已经伤

But honey don't give up on me 但是亲爱的不要放弃我

When you gonna make up your mind 当你打算让你的心

When you gonna get out of bed 你什么时候起床

Well everyday you're gonna find 以及每天你会找到

Broken promises are no worse than words never said 破碎的承诺是不逊于话从来不说


[CHORUS] [合唱]


Then you want someone to come along and save the day 那么你一定要有人来陪伴和保存一天

Well you make it much too hard 嗯,你让它太辛苦


[CHORUS] [合唱]

歌词 Abilene 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/abilene-2/

歌词 Abilene 的作者与版权信息:


Sheryl Suzanne Crow


BMG Rights Management (Ireland) Ltd.