歌词 "Killa Cam" 的中文对照歌词与中文翻译

Killa Cam



Finnish lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

[Voice] [声音]

Killa kam Killa的鉴

Killa kam Killa的鉴

Killa kam Killa的鉴

Killa killa Killa的Killa的

Killa kam Killa的鉴


[Cam'ron] [ Camron ]


[Verse 1] [诗歌1 ]


With the goons I spy 随着打手我是间谍

Stay in tune with ma 留在调与马

She like damn 她喜欢该死

This the realest since kumbaya 这起Kumbaya最真实

Kumbyay killa kam my lord Kumbyay Killa的锦主公

Still the man with pants 仍然是男人的裤子

Scrill fam oh boy Scrill FAM哦男孩

Bitches they want to neutor me 母犬他们想Neutor我们

They want tutor me 他们要我辅导

The hooligan in hoolahands 在hoolahands阿飞

Maneuvering is nothing new to me 机动什么新的我

Doggy I'm from the land of crime 小狗我是从犯罪的土地是

Pan pan gram or dime 盼盼克或角钱

Not toes or mc 不是脚趾或MC

When I say hammertime 当我说hammertime

Beef I'm hammer mine 牛肉我雷锤

When I get my hands on nines 当我得到我的手花枝招展

If I had on bammerline 如果我有一个Bammerlin

Cordourys kam will shine Cordourys鉴会大放异彩

Canary burgundy 加那利勃艮第

I call it lemon red 我把它叫做柠檬红

Yellow diamonds in my ear 在我耳边黄色钻石

Call em lemonheads 叫EM Lemonheads

Lemonhead end up dead Lemonhead最终死亡

Ice like Winnipeg 冰如温尼伯

Gemstones Flintstones 宝石摩登原始人

You could say I'm friends with Fred 你可以说我的朋友弗雷德

You want happy scrappy 你想快乐斗志旺盛

I got pataki at me 我得到了帕塔基我

Bitches say I'm tacky daddy 母狗说我俗气爸爸

Range look like laffy taffy 范围样子Laffy太妃糖


[Chorus] [合唱]


[Voice] [声音]

Kill kam 杀鉴

Killa kam Killa的鉴

Killa kam Killa的鉴

Killa killa Killa的Killa的

Killa kam Killa的鉴


[Verse 2] [诗歌2]


I'm from where Nicky barns got rich as fuck 我来自哪里吴奇隆谷仓致富作为他妈的

Rich and nay hit the kitchen they were pitching up 丰富,不然打他们投球了厨房

Rob base mase doug e fresh switched it up 罗布基地濑道格· ê鲜切换起来

I do both who am I to fuck tradition up 我波森我是谁他妈的传统了

So I parked in a tow-away zone 所以,我把车停在一个牵引远区

Chrome I don't care 镀铬我不在乎

I'll call it throwaway homes 我把它叫做暴殄天物家园

Welcome to Harlem 欢迎来到哈林

Where you welcome to problems 在这里你欢迎的问题

Off a furlo fella fellas get parkings 掀起了Furlo小伙子小伙子们拿到停车场

Canabuy banks Canabuy银行

Stand out like puty tanks 站出来像puty坦克

Soon as the studie sings 一旦studie唱

That when the tudy sing 当tudy唱

Bang bang came from that movie rang 嘭嘭来自那部电影响

Snap crack jewelry bling 捕捉裂缝金光闪闪的首饰

Flat jack who he bring 他们把谁扁平插孔

Clack clack cooley ring 唠叨唠叨库利环

Bad rap cuties claim 坏名声美眉索赔

Ascap put em in the river ASCAP放时间在河里

I'm the sushi king 我的寿司王

And I'm keep it fresh 和我保持新鲜

Let the fish eat ya flesh 让鱼吃掉雅割肉

Yes sir please confess 是的,先生,请承认

Just say he's the best 只是说他是最好的


[Chorus] [合唱]


How dope is this 如何原液是这样

Teach you how to rope a chick 教你如何拉拢小鸡

What you want 你想要什么

Coke or piff 可口可乐或PIFF

I got it all smoke or sniff 我得到了它所有的烟雾或嗅

And you know my drift 你知道我的意思

Used to figures doe and shit 用于数字母鹿和狗屎

You a roosted bitch 你个狗娘养栖

Just a roasted bitch 只是烤婊子

And I roast ya bitch 我烤雅婊子

That how I usually am 那怎么我通常是

Tell her and her groupie friends 告诉她和她的骨肉朋友

Go get they coochie cleansed 去叫他们coochie洁净

We the moody Gucci Louie and pucci men 我们的情绪Gucci的路易和普奇男人

A skada Prada à Skada普拉达

The chopper it got the uzi lens 菜刀也得到了乌兹镜头

Bird's eye view 鸟瞰图

The birds I knew 我知道鸟

Flip birds 翻转鸟

Birds gang 这帮鸟

It was birds I flew 这是鸟我飞

And word I flew 我立马字

Or herb I grew 或药草我长大

I would serve on stoops 我服务于一个弯身

Now it swerve in coupes 现在,它突然转向的双门轿跑车


[Chorus] [合唱]

歌词 Killa Cam 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/a8c9461ea2be19cc944e4c71fbc65b67/

歌词 Killa Cam 的作者与版权信息:


Greg Green, Gregory Green, Seon Thomas, Cameron Giles


Heatmakerz Music, Sony/ATV Songs LLC, Heatmakerz