歌词 "A Veteran's Song" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

A Veteran's Song



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

The bars are crowded with wasted youth 酒吧都挤满了浪费青春

You just went, you didn't know the truth 你只要去了,你不知道的真相

You don't know that kid when you look back 你不知道那小子暮然回首

You remember the music, paint it black 你还记得的音乐,把它涂黑


You had a brother in the movement and he burned his card 你有在运动的哥哥和他烧了他的名片

He's got a job in the white house, ain't life hard 他有在白宫工作,不是生活艰苦

You came back a hero on a stolen horse 你回来的英雄上偷来的马

You say you don't fit in, you can't stay the course 你说你不适合,你不能坚持到底


I may be right, don't care if I'm wrong 我可能是正确的,不关心,如果我错了

It's a veteran's song 这是一个老牌的歌

I may be right, don't care if I'm wrong 我可能是正确的,不关心,如果我错了

It's a veteran's song 这是一个老牌的歌


The band paraded playing "Oh gung ho"" 乐队演奏游街示众“哦工合” “

Your country needs you, you've got to go 你的国家需要你,你得走

When you came over they said "Soldier go back" 当你走了过来,他们说: “士兵回去”

When you came home they put you on the rack 你回家时,他们把你放在架子


Between agent orange and the jungle and fear 与橙剂和丛林和恐惧

You're just surviving to get out of here 你只是存活到离开这里

You smoke some more herb and you keep your head down 你抽烟一些药草和你保持你的头

Could be your number is on the next round. 可能是你的号码是下一轮。

歌词 A Veteran's Song 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/a-veteran_s-song/