歌词 "A Swim With The Sharks" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

A Swim With The Sharks


歌词相关歌手:POWERMAN 5000

English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

You get the head, the tail, the whole damn thing 你的头,尾,整个该死的东西

Well a swim with the sharks is like me 以及与鲨鱼游泳是像我这样的


I'll find them for three and catch them and kill them for ten 我会找他们三个,赶上他们,杀了他们的10

When they smile just cut off your legs 当他们微笑只是切断了你的腿

You've got no time to think only to beg 你有没有时间去思考只乞求


Twenty no twenty five - three tons 二没有25 - 3吨

The one in the front is the one on the run 一个在前面的是一个在奔跑

Well it's blood red 那么它的血红色

Fair game for the eats 'cause this my home this is my street 为吃“事业公平的游戏这是我的家,这是我的街道


Well is a swim with the sharks like weak is for strong 以及与鲨鱼游泳一样弱对强

Nobody knows it yet not right from wrong 没有人知道这些事没有对错

Deep is the dark from the depths of the dive 深是从潜水深处的黑暗

Am I okay, am I alive? 难道我没事,我会活着吗?

Well the hot house now seems like suckin' on some ice cream 好热的房子现在看来像冰淇淋吸

Funny thing is it'll make a grown man scream 有趣的是,它会成为一个大男人尖叫

Want to stay afloat but don't forget it 要维持下去,但不要忘记它

All I've got to say you're gonna need a bigger boat 所有我不得不说你会需要更大的船


Well a swim with the sharks is like now 以及与鲨鱼游泳,就像是现在

never 从来没有

deadly 致命

clever 聪明

the darkness 黑暗

the sun...forever...done 太阳...永远...完成

歌词 A Swim With The Sharks 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/a-swim-with-the-sharks/