歌词 "A Sound That Only You Can Hear" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

A Sound That Only You Can Hear


歌词相关歌手:K'S CHOICE

English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

The thought of you and me and me and you 你和我,我和你的想法

It's clear, it's blurry 很显然,这是模糊的

Your head, my mind, your mind, my head, as one 你的头,我的心,你的心,我的头,一心

It's real, the foolish worry 这是真实的,愚蠢的忧虑


I feel you and you feel me as I feel you 我觉得你,你觉得我,因为我觉得你

It's good, it's scary 这是很好的,它的可怕

The speed, the heat, it's deep, and steep 速度,热量,这是深,陡

It's light but hard to carry 它重量轻,但很难执行


Listen when I'm silent there's a 当我沉默的还有一个听

Sound that only you can hear 的声音,只有你能听到

Listen when it's quiet I know 当它是安静的,我知道听

You can hear it, cover up your ears 你可以听到它,掩盖你的耳朵

Cover up your ears 掩盖你的耳朵


Your hands, my mouth, your mouth, my hands 你的手,我的嘴,你的嘴,我的手

The weight of what we're thinking 是我们正在考虑的重

No words, the air we breathe 没有的话,我们呼吸的空气

It's not liquid, but we're drinking 这不是液体,但我们喝


Listen when I'm silent there's a 当我沉默的还有一个听

Sound that only you can hear 的声音,只有你能听到

Listen when it's quiet I know 当它是安静的,我知道听

You can hear it, cover up your ears 你可以听到它,掩盖你的耳朵

Cover up your ears 掩盖你的耳朵


Listen when I'm silent there's a 当我沉默的还有一个听

Sound that only you can hear 的声音,只有你能听到

A sound that only you can hear 只有你能听到的声音

A sound that only you can hear 只有你能听到的声音

A sound that only you can hear 只有你能听到的声音

歌词 A Sound That Only You Can Hear 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/a-sound-that-only-you-can-hear/

歌词 A Sound That Only You Can Hear 的作者与版权信息:


Gert Yvonne M. Bettens, Sarah Bettens


Double T. Publishing N.V.