歌词 "A Showman's Life" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

A Showman's Life


歌词相关歌手:ALLAN, GARY

English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

A showman's life, à艺人的生活,

Is a smokey bar, 是烟熏吧,

And the fevered chase, 和狂热的追逐,

Of a tiny star, 一个微小的明星,

It's a hotel room, 这是一个酒店房间,

And a lonely wife, 和一个孤独的妻子,

From what I've seen, 从我所看到的,

Of a showman's life, à艺人的生活,


Nobody told me about this part, 没有人告诉我关于这部分,

They told me all about the pretty girls, 他们告诉我所有关于漂亮的女孩,

And the wine, 和酒,

And the money, 而这笔钱,

And the good times, 和好的时候,

There's no mention of, 这里没有提到的,

All the wear and tear, 所有的磨损,

On an old honky tonker's heart, 在老白鬼tonker的心脏,

Well I might of known it, 好吧也许,我知道的话

But nobody told me about this part, 但没有人告诉我关于这部分,


A boy will dream, 一个男孩都会做梦,

As children do, 当孩子做,

Of a great white way, 一个伟大的白的方式,

Until the dream comes true, 直到梦想成真,

And a phony smile, 和一个虚假的笑容,

In a colored light, 在彩色光,

Is all there is, 是一切有,

To a showman's life, 一个艺人的生活,

Nobody told me about this part, 没有人告诉我关于这部分,


Nobody told me about this part, 没有人告诉我关于这部分,

They told me all about the pretty girls, 他们告诉我所有关于漂亮的女孩,

And the wine, 和酒,

And the money, 而这笔钱,

And the good times, 和好的时候,

There's no mention of, 这里没有提到的,

All the wear and tear, 所有的磨损,

On an old honky tonker's heart, 在老白鬼tonker的心脏,

Well I might of known it, 好吧也许,我知道的话

But nobody told me about this part, 但没有人告诉我关于这部分,


But nobody told me about this part, 但没有人告诉我关于这部分,


Nobody told me about this part, 没有人告诉我关于这部分,

They told me all about the pretty girls, 他们告诉我所有关于漂亮的女孩,

And the wine, 和酒,

And the money, 而这笔钱,

And the good times, 和好的时候,

There's no mention of, 这里没有提到的,

All the wear and tear, 所有的磨损,

On an old honky tonker's heart, 在老白鬼tonker的心脏,

Well I might of known it, 好吧也许,我知道的话

But nobody told me about this part, 但没有人告诉我关于这部分,


Well I might of known it, 好吧也许,我知道的话

But nobody told me about this part 但没有人告诉我关于这部分

歌词 A Showman's Life 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/a-showman_s-life/

歌词 A Showman's Life 的作者与版权信息:


Jesse Winchester


Hot Kitchen Music, WB Music Corp.