歌词 "A Kiss To Build A Dream On" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

A Kiss To Build A Dream On


歌词相关歌手:K.D. LANG

English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Gimme a kiss to build a dream on 给我一个吻就构筑梦想

And my imagination 与我的想象

Will thrive upon that kiss 将随着这香吻

Sweetheart, I ask no more than this 亲爱的,我问没有比这更

A Kiss to build a dream on 香吻一个梦想上


Give me a kiss before you leave me 你离开我之前给我一个吻

and my imagination 与我的想象

will feed my hungry heart 会养活我饿了心脏

Leave me one thing before we part 留下我一件事之前,我们分手

A kiss to build a dream on 香吻一个梦想上


When I'm alone with my fancies 当我独自一人与我的幻想

I'll be with you 我会与你同在

Weaving romances 编织浪漫

Making believe they're true 相信他们从不真实


Oh, gimme your lips for just a moment 哦,给我你的唇就一下

and my imagination 与我的想象

will make that moment live 将那一刻的现场

Give me what you alone can give 给我什么,你一个人就能给

A kiss to build a dream on 香吻一个梦想上


Gimme a kiss to build a dream on 给我一个吻就构筑梦想

And my imagination 与我的想象

Will thrive upon that kiss 将随着这香吻

Sweetheart, I ask no more than this 亲爱的,我问没有比这更

A Kiss to build a dream on 香吻一个梦想上


Give me a kiss before you leave me 你离开我之前给我一个吻

and my imagination 与我的想象

will feed my hungry heart 会养活我饿了心脏

Leave me one thing before we part 留下我一件事之前,我们分手

A kiss to build a dream on 香吻一个梦想上


When I'm alone with my fancies 当我独自一人与我的幻想

I'll be with you 我会与你同在

Weaving romances 编织浪漫

Making believe they're true 相信他们从不真实


Oh, gimme your lips for just a moment 哦,给我你的唇就一下

and my imagination 与我的想象

will make that moment live 将那一刻的现场

Give me what you alone can give 给我什么,你一个人就能给

A kiss to build a dream on 香吻一个梦想上

歌词 A Kiss To Build A Dream On 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/a-kiss-to-build-a-dream-on-1/