歌词 "A Certain Shade Of Green" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

A Certain Shade Of Green



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

A certain shade of green, 绿色一定灯罩,

tell me, is that what you need? 告诉我,是你所需要的?

All signs around say move ahead. 种种迹象身边说向前迈进。

Could someone please explain to me your ever present 可能有人请向我解释,你永远存在

lack of speed? 缺乏速度?

Are your muscles bound by ropes? 是你的肌肉受绳索?

Or do crutches cloud your day? 或者,拐杖云的一天?

My sources say the road is clear, 我的消息来源说,道路是明确的,

and street signs point the way. 和路牌指明了方向。

Are you gonna stand around till 2012 A.D.? 你会站在一旁,直到公元2012 ?

What are you waiting for, 你还在等什么的,

A certain shade of green? 绿色一定遮荫?

I think I grew a gray watching you procrastinate. 我想我从小灰色看着你拖延。

What are you waiting for, 你还在等什么的,

A certain shade of green? 绿色一定遮荫?

Would a written invitation 会的书面邀请函

signed, "Choose now or lose it all," 签署“现在选择或失去这一切。”

sedate your hesitation? 稳重的犹豫?

Or inflame and make you stall? 或发炎,让你摆摊?

You've been raised in limitation, 你一直在提出限制,

but that glove never fit quite right. 但手套从未十分吻合。

The time has passed for hand-me-downs, 时间已经过去了手,我起伏,

choose anew, please evolve, 重新选择,请演变,

take flight 起飞

What are you waiting for? 你还在等什么呢?

A written invitation? 书面邀请函?

A public declaration? 公开声明?

A private consolation? 私人安慰?

歌词 A Certain Shade Of Green 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/a-certain-shade-of-green/

歌词 A Certain Shade Of Green 的作者与版权信息:


Brandon Boyd, Alex Katunich, Jose Pasillas Ii, Michael Einziger, Randy Muller, Gavin Koppel, Roger Mc Bride, Mark S. Jordan


Hunglikeyora Music, Colgems-emi Music Inc., Brittolese Music, Emi April Music Inc., MCA Music Publishing A.D.O. Universal S, One To One Music Publishing Co.