歌词 "A Call To Arms" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

A Call To Arms



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

I swear I can't stand this place 我发誓,我受不了这个地方

and whats becoming of me 和什么成为我

the longer I have to stay 我越要留

I want to think all unthinkable things 我想认为所有的事情都不敢想

and say what I shouldn't say 说我不应该说

I need a change 我需要改变


With that said I'm leaving today 随着中说,我今天离开

I've got some concrete ideas 我有一些具体的想法

and they've been paving my way towards all the 他们已经铺平我对所有的方式

downtown's and urban decay 繁华的城市衰退

there's so much life to these bricks 有这么多的生命这些砖

so much buildings can say 这么多的建筑可以说


A new experienced me 一种新的经历我

we'll be coming back on rusted limbs and bloody knees 我们一定会回来的生锈的四肢和血腥的膝盖

A call to arms 战斗的号角

From all the suburban soldiers who got no one to count on 所有谁得到了无人依靠的郊区战士

Faceless and scarred 无面和伤痕累累

We don’t know where were going we forgot where we came from 我们不知道去向何方,我们忘记了我们来自何方


I thought there was blood left in this stone 我还以为有血液留在这块石头

Turns out that I was wrong 事实证明,我错了

I hope you find the place that feels like home 我希望你找到那种感觉像家一样的地方

And a heighten sense of strength 和强度的增高感

And a stronger sense of self 和自我意识比较强


A new experienced me 一种新的经历我

we'll be coming back on rusted limbs and bloody knees 我们一定会回来的生锈的四肢和血腥的膝盖

A call to arms 战斗的号角

From all the suburban soldiers who got no one to count on 所有谁得到了无人依靠的郊区战士

Faceless and scarred 无面和伤痕累累

We don’t know where were going we forgot where we came from 我们不知道去向何方,我们忘记了我们来自何方

歌词 A Call To Arms 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/a-call-to-arms-1/