歌词 "M∆chine" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译




English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Take another look 再看看

At yourself 你自己

Tell me what do you see 告诉我你看到了什么

Your souls reflection 你的灵魂反思

Is it what it used to be 它是什么它曾经是


This is bigger than you and me 这是大于你和我

Alarms as you wake from this dream 报警当你从梦中醒来

Human fellowship is sacred 人类乃是神圣的

This is bigger than you and me 这是大于你和我


Answers revolve around our heads 答案在我们头上旋转

Like figures of our imagination 像我们想象的数字

Measures are taken to purge 采取措施,以清除

Pleasure and take life in as pain 乐趣,并采取生活疼痛


Which direction are you heading 哪个方向,你的标题

Escape this pressure 摆脱这种压力


As we move along waiting here 当我们一起在这里等待

Our days repeat and increase 我们的日子重复而增加

Your default setting 你的默认设置

Runs your life secretly 偷偷跑你的生活


Separate yourself from the machine 从机器中脱颖而出

Embrace your own identity 拥抱自己的身份

歌词 M∆chine 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/_f21210e039a92a36056608cee33589b7/