歌词 "Veras (You'll See)" 的中文对照歌词与中文翻译

Veras (You'll See)

Veras (你会发现)


Spanish/Castilian lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Tu piensas que yo no podre vivir sin ti 你认为我将能够生活不能没有你

Tu piensas no podra sobrevivir 您认为可能无法生存

Que nada me queda, si no estas junto a mi 没有什么是离开了,如果你不是在我身边

Veras que no es asi 你看它是不是这样


Tu piensas que jamas sere feliz sin ti 你以为你永远不会快乐无

Que destruiste al fin mi corazon 最后,你毁了我的心脏

Que no voy a descubrir la forma de volver atras 我不会发现如何回头

Sin ti, yo se que si 没有你,我知道我会


[Estribillo:] [合唱: ]


Ya lo veras 你会看到

No necesito a nadie mas 不需要其他任何人

Podre resistir 我会抗拒

Voy a poder seguir 我将能够继续

Lo hare por mi 我会尽我

Sera mi gloria personal 是我个人的荣耀

Nadie, ni tu, me la podra quitar 没有人,没有你,我可以删除

Veras Veras


Acepta la verdad, no llorare por ti 接受事实,不为你哭泣

Yo se que asi sera, podre salir 我知道的话,我会离开

Voy a saltar sin red, y no voy a caer 我会跳不净,我不会倒下

Sera mejor sin ti 没有你更好


[estribillo] [合唱]


Veras Veras

You think I won't be able to live without you 你以为我会不可靠没有你的生活

You think: she won't be able to survive 你想:她不会是可靠的生存

That I have nothing left if you're not by my side 我什么都没有留下,如果你不在我身边

You'll see, it's not like that 你会看到,它不是这样的


You think I'll never be happy without you 你以为我永远是快乐的,没有你

That finally you destroyed my heart 终于,你毁了我的心脏

That I won't find my way back 我会找不到回去的路

Without you, I know I will 没有你,我知道我会


[Chorus:] [合唱: ]


You will see 你会看到

I don't need anyone else 我不需要任何人

I will resist 我会抗拒

I'll manage to go on 我会设法去

I'll do it for myself 我会做我自己

It will be my personal glory 这将是我个人的荣耀

No one, not even you, can take it from me 没有人,甚至你可以把它从我

You'll see 你会看到


Accept the truth, I will not cry for you 接受事实,我不会为你哭泣

I know it'll be so, I will pull through 我知道它会是这样,我会渡过难关

I'll jump without a net, and I'm not going to fall 我会跳不净,而我不会下跌

It will be better without you 这将是你没有更好的


[chorus] [合唱]


You'll see 你会看到

歌词 Veras (You'll See) 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/_54fc22cbcb7a80abc6271d4d2284351a/

歌词 Veras (You'll See) 所在专辑及曲目:
所在专辑:Other songs
Across The Sky
American Life (American Dream Remix)
American Pie
Be Careful With My Heart
Beautiful Stranger
Broken (I'm Sorry)
Crazy For You
Don't Cry For Me Argentina (Miami Spanglish Mix)
Get Up
GHV2 Megamix
Goodbye To Innocence
Guilty By Association
Hey You
If You Forget Me
Into The Groove
It's So Cool
Just A Dream
Justify My Love
Justify My Love (The Beast Within Mix)
Keep The Trance
Let Down Your Guard (Rough Mix Edit)
Lies In Your Eyes
Like A Prayer
Little Boy Lost
Love On The Run
Me Against The Music
Miss You
On The Ground
Rescue Me
Santa Baby
Set The Right
Shine A Light
Sidewalk Talk (Extended Dance Mix)
Super Pop
Supernatural (Original Arms House Mix)
Veras (You'll See)
You Thrill Me
Pisando Fuerte
Si Tú Me Miras
Un Charquito De Estrellas
Cuando Nadie Me Ve
Llega Llego Soledad
Lo Diré Bajito
Donde Estés Llegaré
Te Conozco Bien
Che Che Colé
Our Kind Of Love
Dream A Little Dream Of Me
No Sex For Ben
If That's Country
High Priest Of Rhythmic Noise
Last Heart In Line
I Is Us
You Are The Light
Karma's A Mutha
Settin' The Woods On Fire
Lions In Cages
Till The End Of Time
All That Shit Is Gone
1994 Freestyle Hip Hop God / Genius
Never Know 'Bout Love (Trashy Boy)
Stay In My Life
Save Me
Love Is A Camera
All In Fun
歌词 Veras (You'll See) 的作者与版权信息:


Madonna, David Foster


Webo Girl Publishing Inc., WB Music Corp., Peermusic Iii Ltd.