歌词 "Nugget In A Biscuit" 的中文对照歌词与中文翻译

Nugget In A Biscuit



Dutch/Flemish lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词


Nugget, biscuit, nugget in a biscuit. 金块,饼干,金块的饼干。

Nugget, biscuit, nugget in a biscuit. 金块,饼干,金块的饼干。

Nugget, biscuit, nugget in a biscuit. 金块,饼干,金块的饼干。


Dip it all in mashed potatoes! 沾这一切在土豆泥!


Nugget, biscuit, nugget in a biscuit. 金块,饼干,金块的饼干。

Nugget, biscuit, nugget in a biscuit. 金块,饼干,金块的饼干。

Nugget, biscuit, nugget in a biscuit. 金块,饼干,金块的饼干。


Dip it all in mashed potatoes! 沾这一切在土豆泥!


Dip it all in mashed potatoes 沾这一切在土豆泥

And dip the mashed potato covered 和DIP的马铃薯泥覆盖

chicken nugget biscuit in a BBQ sauce 在烧烤酱鸡块饼干


MMM! Yum, yum, gimme! MMM !百胜集团,百胜,给我!


Nugget, biscuit, nugget in a biscuit. 金块,饼干,金块的饼干。

Nugget, biscuit, nugget in a biscuit. 金块,饼干,金块的饼干。

Nugget, biscuit, nugget in a biscuit. 金块,饼干,金块的饼干。


Dip it all in mashed potatoes! 沾这一切在土豆泥!


Nugget, biscuit, nugget in a biscuit. 金块,饼干,金块的饼干。

Nugget, biscuit, nugget in a biscuit. 金块,饼干,金块的饼干。

Nugget, biscuit, nugget in a biscuit. 金块,饼干,金块的饼干。


Dip it all in mashed potatoes! 沾这一切在土豆泥!


Dip it all in mashed potatoes 沾这一切在土豆泥

And dip the mashed potato covered 和DIP的马铃薯泥覆盖

chicken nugget biscuit in a BBQ sauce 在烧烤酱鸡块饼干


MMM! Yum, yum, gimme! MMM !百胜集团,百胜,给我!

歌词 Nugget In A Biscuit 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/_3424f00330ef2909e9f4bae34b5ae2b6/