歌词 "4% Pantomime" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

4% Pantomime

4 %哑剧


English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

The management said they were sorry 管理层表示,他们很可怜

For the inconvenience you are suffering 给您带来不便,你的痛苦

And Mr. Booking Agent, please have mercy 和订舱代理先生,请怜悯

Don't book the jobs so far apart 不要预订工作相隔那么远

We went up to Griffith Park 我们走到格里菲斯公园

With a fifth of Johnny Walker Red 随着尊尼获加红的五分之一

And smashed it on a rock and wept 打碎这一块岩石上,哭了

While the old couple looked on into the dark 而老夫妇看着陷入黑暗


Oh, Richard, tell me if it's poker 哦,理查德告诉我,如果这是扑克

Oh, Richard, tell me, who's got the joker and is it poker 哦,理查德,告诉我,谁拥有的百搭,是它的扑克


Deuces wild, like an only child 局末平分狂放,像一个独子

I'll see what you got. How much is in the pot 我去看看你得到了什么。有多少是在锅里

You pay the tips and I'll collect the chips 你付出的技巧,我会收集筹码

It's a full house tonight -- everybody in town is a loser 这是一个完整的家,今晚 - 满城都是输家

Yeah, you bet 是啊,你赌


The dealer's been dealing me bad hands 经销商一直在处理我的坏手

From the bottom of the deck without the slightest blush 从甲板底部没有丝毫的腮红

And I don't know whether to call or check 我不知道该不该打电话或检查

But right now I feel like I got a royal flush 但现在我觉得我得到了皇家同花顺

And my lady didn't show from 'Frisco 和我的夫人并没有从弗里斯科展示

But we had to go on with the show 但是,我们不得不去与节目

Everybody got stoned -- it was a gas, it was a smash 每个人都拿到砸死 - 这是一种气体,它是一个扣杀

Everybody got wrecked, checked. Oh, oh, oh, oh. 每个人都拿到失事,检查。哦,哦,哦,哦。


Oh, Belfast cowboy, lay your cards on the grade 哦,贝尔法斯特西部牛仔,把你的卡上档次

Oh, Belfast cowboy, can you call a spade a spade 哦,贝尔法斯特的牛仔,你能叫实话实说


Oh, Richard, tell me, is the game poker 哦,理查德告诉我,是扑克游戏

I can't understand who the fool is that holds this joker 我不明白谁是傻瓜是持有这种百搭

Is it poker 它是扑克


Oh, Belfast Cowboy, lay your cards down on the table 哦,贝尔法斯特牛仔,把你的卡放在桌上

Oh, Belfast Cowboy, do you think you're able 哦,贝尔法斯特牛仔,你觉得你能

歌词 4% Pantomime 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/4-pantomime-1/