歌词 "36" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译



歌词相关歌手:2 CHAINZ

English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

36 36

That’s how many ounces in a brick 这是多少盎司砖

36, 36, 36, 36 36 , 36 , 36 , 36

That’s how many ounces in a brick 这是多少盎司砖

That’s how many ounces in a brick 这是多少盎司砖

36 36


Whip that shit, whip my wrist 鞭打那些歌,掀起了我的手腕

I might whip your bitch if she ain’t with that shit 我可能会激起你的母狗,如果她不在的那些事

Young whippersnapper, I might eat that snapper 年轻的自以为是的年轻人,我可能会吃甲鱼

Got a yellow bitch, gotta whip them at ya 有一个黄色的母狗,总得鞭打他们在雅

All I know is soda bakin’ 我所知道的是苏打水马琴

All them other niggas fakin’ 所有这些其他的黑鬼假装

Watch them niggas fall to pieces 看着他们黑鬼散架

All them other niggas flaky 所有这些其他的黑鬼片状

Did it for my city sellin’ crack out my building 是为我的城市出卖破解了我的建筑

Now I ride around with a crack in the ceiling 现在,我四处跑,在天花板上的裂缝

Exhale, Ziplock, flip-flop with them burglar doors 呼气,自封袋,触发器和他们的防盗门

Yeah, I got that hard work 是啊,我有努力工作

Nigga, you are unemployed 兄弟们,你是失业

Residue all on the floor 渣都在地板上

Just made a mil so you know that’s what I’m hungry for 刚刚作出了一个密使你知道这是什么,我饿了

Get it how you live 得到它你的生活


36 36

That’s how many ounces in a brick 这是多少盎司砖

36, 36, 36, 36 36 , 36 , 36 , 36

That’s how many ounces in a brick 这是多少盎司砖

That’s how many ounces in a brick 这是多少盎司砖

36 36

歌词 36 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/36-1/

歌词 36 的作者与版权信息:


Thomas Brown


Tbhits, Emi April Music Inc., Darkchild Songs