歌词 "30 Seconds" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

30 Seconds



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Took a little less than 30 seconds 只用了不到一点点30秒

To realize I’ve been here before 要知道我曾经来过

I saw the sign, I learned my lesson well 我看到的迹象,我吸取了教训以及

Wrapped up in a blanket of bad excuses 包裹在恶劣的借口毯

I know you try but mess it up again 我知道你尝试,但搞砸了一次

Another lie with good intentions 另一个谎言好心

Tells me to let go 告诉我放手


[Chorus] [合唱]

I’m releasing this patter 我发布这个淅沥

Shaking of what I don’t really need 颤抖的我并不真正需要的

Keep the good things that matter 记住这件事的好东西

Throw the old lucky charm to the sea 要把老的幸运符出海

For now 目前


Trying to make sense of the contradiction 试图使矛盾的感

That what I give is never what I get 这是我给的是从来没有我所得到的

A bittersweet recognition 苦乐参半的认可

If you won’t change I can’t make you 如果你不改变,我不能让你

I read the book, it’s a waste of time 我读的书,这是浪费时间

I’m done singing lullabies 我做唱摇篮曲

so I walk away 所以我走开


[Chorus] [合唱]

歌词 30 Seconds 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/30-seconds-1/