'I lie awake, staring out at the bleakness of Megadon. City and sky become one, merging “我躺在床上,望着外面Megadon的荒凉。城市和天空成为一体,合并
into a single plane, a vast sea of unbroken grey. The Twin Moons, just two pale orbs as 到一个单一的平面,未被打破灰色的汪洋大海。双子月亮,只有两个面色苍白的球体
they trace their way across the steely sky. I used to think I had a pretty good life here, 他们追踪整个天空钢铁般的方式。我曾经以为我有一个很好的生活在这里,
just plugging into my machine for the day, then watching Templevision or reading a Temple 刚刚堵到我的机器一天,然后看着Templevision或阅读庙
Paper in the evening. 本文在晚上。
'My friend Jon always said it was nicer here than under the atmospheric domes of the Outer “我的朋友乔恩总是说,这是更好的在这里比在外层的大气圆顶
Planets. We have had peace since 2062, when the surviving planets were banded together under 行星。我们有和平自2062 ,当幸存的行星被联结起来,下
the Red Star of the Solar Federation. The less fortunate gave us a few new moons. 太阳能联合会的红星。不那么幸运给了我们一些新的卫星。
I believed what I was told. I thought it was a good life, I thought I was happy. Then I found í相信我被告知。我认为这是一个良好的生活,我想我是幸福的。后来我发现
something that changed it all...' 事情改变了这一切......“
[I. Overture] [一序曲]
And the meek shall inherit the earth... 而温柔的人必承受地土...
[II. Temples of Syrinx] [二。西瑞克斯的寺庙]
...'The massive grey walls of the Temples rise from the heart of every Federation city. I ......“寺庙的大量灰色墙壁上升,从每一个联盟城市的心脏。 í
have always been awed by them, to think that every single facet of every life is regulated 一直被镇住了他们,认为每一个生命的每一个方面进行调节
and directed from within! Our books, our music, our work and play are all looked after by 并指示从内部!我们的书,我们的音乐,我们的工作和娱乐都被照顾
the benevolent wisdom of the priests...' 祭司的仁慈智慧......“
We've taken care of everything 我们已经采取了所有的事情
The words you read, the songs you sing 你读的话,你唱的歌曲
The pictures that give pleasure to your eyes 这对您的眼睛带来乐趣的照片
It's one for all and all for one 这是我为人人,全体为一
We work together, common sons 我们一起努力,共同的儿子
Never need to wonder how or why 永远不需要知道如何或为何
We are the Priests of the Temples of Syrinx 我们西瑞克斯的寺庙僧侣
Our great computers fill the hallowed halls 我们伟大的电脑填补了神圣的殿堂
We are the Priests, of the Temples of Syrinx 我们西瑞克斯的寺庙僧侣,
All the gifts of life are held within our walls 人生所有的礼物都是我们的城墙内举行
Look around at this world we've made 环顾四周,在这个世界上,我们已经取得了
Equality our stock in trade 在贸易平等的我们的股票
Come and join the Brotherhood of Man 快来参加人的兄弟
Oh, what a nice, contented world 哦,多么漂亮,满足世界
Let the banners be unfurled 让横幅被白布
Hold the Red Star proudly high in hand 持有红星自豪地高在手
We are the Priests of the Temples of Syrinx 我们西瑞克斯的寺庙僧侣
Our great computers fill the hallowed halls 我们伟大的电脑填补了神圣的殿堂
We are the Priests, of the Temples of Syrinx 我们西瑞克斯的寺庙僧侣,
All the gifts of life are held within our walls 人生所有的礼物都是我们的城墙内举行
[III. Discovery] [三。愉]
'...Behind my beloved waterfall, in the little room that was hidden beneath the cave, I “ ......我亲爱的瀑布后面,在小房间里被隐藏的洞穴之下,我
found it. I brushed away the dust of the years, and picked it up, holding it reverently in 找到了。我拨开岁月的灰尘,并把它捡起来,拿着它虔诚地
my hands. I had no idea what it might be, but it was beautiful...' 我的手。我不知道可能是什么,但它是美丽的......“
'...I learned to lay my fingers across the wires, and to turn the keys to make them sound “ ......我学会了把我的手指穿过电线,并把钥匙,使他们的声音
differently. As I struck the wires with my other hand, I produced my first harmonious sounds 不同。当我击中电线与我相反,我制作我的第一个和谐的声音
and soon my own music! How different it could be from the music of the Temples! I can't wait 很快我自己的音乐!如何不同,它可能是从寺庙的音乐!我不能等
to tell the priests about it!...' 讲述它的祭司! ......“
What can this strange device be? 可这有什么奇怪的设备是什么?
When I touch it, it gives forth a sound 当我触摸它,它给出来一个健全
It's got wires that vibrate and give music 它有震动的电线,让音乐
What can this thing be that I found? 可这有什么事情是我发现了什么?
See how it sings like a sad heart 看看它是如何唱像一个悲伤的心脏
And joyously screams out its pain 并愉快地尖叫了它的痛苦
Sounds that build high like a mountain 声音,打造高如山
Or notes that fall gently like rain 或注意事项飘落如雨
I can't wait to share this new wonder 我等不及要分享这个新的奇迹
The people will all see its light 人们都会看到它的光
Let them all make their own music 让他们都做自己的音乐
The Priests praise my name on this night 祭司赞美我的名字在这个夜晚
[IV. Presentation] [四。介绍]
'...In the sudden silence as I finished playing, I looked up to a circle of grim, “ ......在突如其来的沉默,因为我演奏完毕,我抬头的严峻了一圈,
expressionless faces. Father Brown rose to his feet, and his somnolent voice echoed 面无表情的脸。布朗神父站了起来,他昏昏欲睡的声音回荡
throughout the silent Temple Hall...' 整个无语殿......“
'...Instead of the grateful joy that I expected, they were words of quiet rejection! 相反,我预计感激的喜悦“ ...... ,他们安静的拒绝的话!
Instead of praise, sullen dismissal. I watched in shock and horror as Father Brown ground 而不是赞美,沉着脸解雇。我看着在震惊和恐惧的布朗神父地面
my precious instrument to splinters beneath his feet...' 我的宝贝乐器在他的脚下稀里哗啦......“
I know it's most unusual 我知道这是最不寻常
To come before you so 来之前,你这么
But I've found an ancient miracle 但我发现一个古老的奇迹
I thought that you should know 我以为你应该知道
Listen to my music 听我的音乐
And hear what it can do 和听到它能做什么
There's something here as strong as life 有什么东西在这里强如生命
I know that it will reach you 我知道,它会找到你
Yes, we know, it's nothing new 是的,我们知道,这不是什么新
It's just a waste of time 这只是在浪费时间
We have no need for ancient ways 我们没有必要复古
The world is doing fine 世界正在做的很好
Another toy that helped destroy 这有助于消灭另一个玩具
The elder race of man 男子的哥哥比赛
Forget about your silly whim 忘了你的愚蠢的心血来潮
It doesn't fit the plan 它不适合的计划
I can't believe you're saying 我不能相信你说
These things just can't be true 这些事情就不可能是真的
Our world could use this beauty 我们的世界可以利用这个美女
Just think what we might do 试想想,我们可能会做
Listen to my music 听我的音乐
And hear what it can do 和听到它能做什么
There's something here as strong as life 有什么东西在这里强如生命
I know that it will reach you 我知道,它会找到你
Don't annoy us further! 不要骚扰我们更进一步!
We have our work to do 我们有工作要做
Just think about the average 试想一下,平均
What use have they for you? 他们都对你有什么用?
Another toy that helped destroy 这有助于消灭另一个玩具
The elder race of man 男子的哥哥比赛
Forget about your silly whim 忘了你的愚蠢的心血来潮
It doesn't fit the Plan! 它不适合计划!
[V. Oracle: The Dream] [五。甲骨文:梦]
'...I guess it was a dream, but even now it all seems so vivid to me. Clearly yet I see “ ......我想这是一个梦想,但即使是现在这一切似乎如此生动给我。很明显,但我看到的
the beckoning hand of the oracle as he stood at the summit of the staircase...' 甲骨文的招手手,他在楼梯峰会站着......“
'...I see still the incredible beauty of the sculptured cities and the pure spirit of man “ ......我看还是雕刻的城市令人难以置信的美丽和人的纯精神
revealed in the lives and works of this world. I was overwhelmed by both wonder and 在生活和这个世界的作品显露出来。我被压垮既惊讶和
understanding as I saw a completely different way to life, a way that had been crushed 理解,因为我看到了一个完全不同的方式来生活,已被粉碎的方法
by the Federation long ago. I saw now how meaningless life had become with the loss of 乘联会很久以前。我现在看到了如何无意义的生活变得与损失
all these things...' 所有这些事情......“
I wandered home through the silent streets 我徘徊在家通过无声的街道
And fell into a fitful sleep 并陷入了断断续续的睡眠
Escape to realms beyond the night 逃出来以后晚上境界
Dream can't you show me the light? 梦你能不能告诉我的光?
I stand atop a spiral stair 我站在上面的螺旋楼梯
An oracle confronts me there 一个Oracle在我面前有
He leads me on light years away 他使我的光年
Through astral nights, galactic days 通过星光之夜,银河天
I see the works of gifted hands 我看到了有天赋的手作品
That grace this strange and wondrous land 恩典这个陌生而奇妙的土地
I see the hand of man arise 我看到出现人的手
With hungry mind and open eyes 饥饿的心灵和睁眼
They left the planet long ago 他们离开这个星球不久前
The elder race still learn and grow 老赛还是学习和成长
Their power grows with purpose strong 他们的实力才不断有很强的目的
To claim the home where they belong 要求他们所属的家
Home to tear the Temples down... 首页撕庙宇下来...
Home to change! 首页改变!
[VI. Soliloquy] [六。独白]
'...I have not left this cave for days now, it has become my last refuge in my total “ ......我还没有离开这个洞穴的天,现在,它已经成为我的最后的避难所,我总
despair. I have only the music of the waterfall to comfort me now. I can no longer live 绝望。我有瀑布只有音乐,现在来安慰我。我不能再活
under the control of the Federation, but there is no other place to go. My last hope is 该联合会的控制下,但没有其他地方可去。我最后的希望
that with my death I may pass into the world of my dream, and know peace at last.' 随着我的死亡我可能传进了我的梦想世界,并知道和平的最后一次。 “
The sleep is still in my eyes 睡眠仍然是我的眼睛
The dream is still in my head 梦想依然在我的脑海
I heave a sigh and sadly smile í摇头叹息,黯然一笑
And lie a while in bed 而躺在床上一会
I wish that it might come to pass 我想,这可能应验
Not fade like all my dreams... 不褪色像我所有的梦想......
Just think of what my life might be 试想一下我的人生可能
In a world like I have seen! 在这个世界上像我见过!
I don't think I can carry on 我不认为我可以继续
Carry on this cold and empty life 进行这样的寒冷和空洞的生活
My spirits are low in the depths of despair 我的灵魂是低绝望的深渊
My lifeblood... 我的命根子......
...Spills over... ......溢出...
[VII. The Grand Finale] [七。压轴]
Attention all Planets of the Solar Federation 太阳能联合会注意所有的行星
Attention all Planets of the Solar Federation 太阳能联合会注意所有的行星
Attention all Planets of the Solar Federation 太阳能联合会注意所有的行星
We have assumed control 我们假设控制
We have assumed control 我们假设控制
We have assumed control 我们假设控制
歌词 2112 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/2112-1/
- 推荐歌词
- You're My Thrill
- The Right To Love
- Make A Prayer
- Nice
- Things You Say
- Falling Into Ashes
- Don't Get Sand In It
- Going To The Top
- Keep The Candle Burning
- Through All That Nothing
- Now The World
- Firefly
- Just In Case It Happens, Yes Indeed
- This Life
- Squalie
- Silver Ships
- Second To No One
- Time
- Never Enough
- Flex 36
- 歌词 2112 的作者与版权信息:
Geddy Lee, Neil Peart, Alex Lifeson
Core Music Publishing
- "2112" lyrics are property and copyright of their owners."2112" lyrics provided for educational purposes and personal use only.
- 歌词 "2112" 的所有者拥有该歌词的产权和版权。仅供教育目的且仅限个人使用。
- 歌词 "2112" 的中文对照翻译版本由本站整理完成,仅供学习参考,对于其中的错误本站不承担任何责任。