歌词 "15-1" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译




English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

If I had a car and you were riding in it 如果我有一辆汽车,你骑在它

I'd show you what my car could do 我会告诉你我的车可以做

I head east down highway fifteen and see the starlight 我头东降高速公路15 ,看到了星光

shower over you 沐浴着你

gas fumes rising from the blacktop 油烟气从柏油路上升

cheap hotels with flashing signs 廉价酒店闪动招牌

just an old sweet song made new 只是一个古老甜蜜的情歌取得了新的

and oozing through the pines 并通过松树渗出


if I had thirty dollars and I could make time stop 如果我有30元,我可以让时间停止

and the moon was high up above 月亮是在高高以上

and moon beams fell like sweet cream 月亮落在横梁般甜美的奶油

and the night air would carry our dark dreams 而夜晚的空气将进行我们的黑暗梦想


gas fumes off the highway 油烟气关闭高速公路

neon flashing everywhere 霓虹闪烁的无处不在

just an old sweet song made new by your body 只是一个古老甜蜜的情歌取得了新的通过你的身体

and desert flowers blooming in the thick night air 和沙漠之花绽放在浓浓夜色

歌词 15-1 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/15-1/